12 February 2025 


Foto: Messe München GmbH
  Foto: Messe München GmbH

bauma 2025: Fit for the future through sustainable construction

The construction industry uses significant amounts of resources and is one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases. For that reason alone, social development aimed at sustainability is inconceivable without essential contributions from the construction industry. bauma 2025 will provide an overview of the diverse approaches in the construction machinery world for sustainable construction. The world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment will be held from April 7 to 13 at the Munich exhibition center.
Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Petra Welzel
  Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Petra Welzel

Events to go

Whether A for Architecture Day or Z for ZVEI Technology Forum - the range of events, specialist presentations and guided tours at Light + Building is huge. This year the abundance of events will ensure a plus in knowledge transfer and inspiration.
Foto: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
  Foto: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

R+T: Focus on sustainability and energy efficiency

Experts will finally meet one another again in Stuttgart in order to discover the latest products and services from the areas of roller shutters, doors, gates and sun shading systems live and in colour. The varied accompanying programme of R+T will also be an opportunity for trade visitors to extend their own technical knowledge and exchange information and ideas directly with industry experts.
Foto: Messe München GmbH
  Foto: Messe München GmbH

Supporting program

This year, in addition to the exhibitors and their exhibits, bauma will offer a comprehensive supporting program with many formats, some of which new. In this way, for one week bauma will once again act as the meeting point for the industry.
Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhition GmbH / Petra Welzel
  Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhition GmbH / Petra Welzel

Smart City

Innovative lighting concepts can make a decisive contribution to safety in both urban and rural areas. After all, illuminated streets and squares ensure that pedestrians or cyclists have good visibility and - just as important - are seen by others. Of course, road traffic also requires illumination that is adapted to the local situation and the respective traffic volume in order to enable drivers to arrive safely after dark.
Foto: Messe Stuttgart
  Foto: Messe Stuttgart

R+T digital: Great response from the sector

R+T digital already with 135 national and international exhibitors / Usual high level of entries for the Innovation Award
Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera
  Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera

ISH digital 2021: Keeping track of developments via future-oriented topics

Against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world’s leading trade fair for water, heating and air-conditioning will bring the sanitation and HVAC sector together online from 22 to 26 March 2021. The aim: to link exhibitors, visitors, experts and journalists for five days, to offer high-grade content and to present a comprehensive programme of events.
Foto: Messe München
  Foto: Messe München

BAU ONLINE: “Driving business”

  • Interview: Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy CEO of Messe München
  • BAU 2021 will take place entirely online from January 13-15, 2021
  • Goals, topics and additional perspectives
Foto: Messe München
  Foto: Messe München

Innovations in a hybrid format: Due to coronavirus, the conventional in-person BAU trade fair will not take place

Although Messe München does have a tried-and-tested hygiene concept, BAU, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, will not be held from January 11 to 16, 2021 as a conventional in-person event. This was the clear decision from the Messe München meeting with the Advisory Board and Board of Trustees of BAU on 30.09.2020. Instead, there will be a hybrid format from January 13 to 15, 2021, offering exhibitors the opportunity to present their innovations to a wide audience. The digital part of this event will also be an important part of the conventional in-person BAU 2023 trade fair.
Foto: Messe München
  Foto: Messe München

BAU 2021 still on track

BAU 2021 is on track to offer the industry an attractive platform at the Munich Exhibition Center from January 11 to 16. This is the result of the latest meetings of the Advisory Board and Board of Trustees with representatives from leading exhibitors and trade associations. In view of the falling rates of infection and easing of travel restrictions throughout Europe, Messe München believes that the prospects are good for a successful BAU 2021. A 15 percent Corona bonus on the participation price should help the exhibitors with the acquisition of visitors.

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