••• 7 ••• Messewelten Light+Building -- Digital Extension The Autumn Edition of Light + Building 2022 combines the best of both worlds: Personal exchange, virtual presentation and networking opportunities with a maximum digital reach. With the platform on the web, many things are possible: new contacts can be found via AIsupported match-making or appointments for web conferences can be made. Chat with new business partners? That’s possible as well! Visitors can also find product presentations of exhibitors as streaming in thematically appropriate channels. B & M Optik GmbH www.bm-optik.de Halle: 8.0 • Stand: D29 EnOcean Alliance Inc. www.enocean-alliance.org Halle: 9.0 • Stand: D10 FILD e.V. – Federation of International Lighting Designers www.fild.eu Halle: 4.1 • Stand: FOY16 Global Fairs TT-Messe Nintemann e.K. www.global-fairs.de Halle: 9.0 • Stand: E52+E54 IMQ S.p.A. www.imq.it Halle: 8.0 • Stand: H55 OBO Bettermann Holding GmbH & Co. KG www.obo.de Halle: 12.1 • Stand: D90+E90+E91 S. Lilley & Son Ltd. www.s-lilley.co.uk Halle: 8.0 • Stand: J20 Schill GmbH & Co. KG www.schill.de Halle: 12.1 • Stand: C71 TÜV SÜD AG www.tuvsud.com Halle: 9.0 • Stand: E10 Nichtaussteller: Embedded Systems Automation UG (haftungsbeschränkt) www.embedded-systems.de Messetelegramm Anzeige Hands-on Smart Living The potential of smart applications will be demonstrated by the E-House powered by Light+Building of the electrical trades in Hall 11.0. Trade visitors can test a variety of smart applications in different living areas on 100 square metres. A special focus this year will be on the two topics of the future, “energy management” and “sector coupling”, as well as “smart health”. Using energy efficiently in buildings The IEECB - Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings conference brings together Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) to discuss the use of alternative energy sources and their efficient use. The conference is organised by the European Union Joint Research Centre and will take place on Wednesday 5 October 2022 in the Room Frequency at Portalhaus. federation of international lighting designers Für eine neue und nachhaltige Lichtkultur ist die Schaffung des Fachgebietes „Lichtarchitektur“ dringende Voraussetzung. In der Architektur und im Bauwesen! FILD e.V. engagiert sich dafür. Halle 4.1. FOY 16 find us at: www.fild.eu