•••2••• Messewelten Natural materials meet digital systems Internorga to present latest hotel trends – individuality as the most important topic G ermany’s hotels have enjoyed increasing sales with ris- ing numbers of bed-nights since 2010. Domestic tourism is flour- ishing, with a total of 459 mil- lion bed-nights in 2017 alone. The market is highly competitive, and hotels that want to benefit from the rising numbers have to stand out and give their guests a really special experience. Hoteliers can get a comprehensive overview of current trends and developments at Internorga and can explore the trends from Interior to Table Top in Halls B5 and B7 at the Hamburg Messe site. “In this age of reservation por- tals and recommendation media such as Instagram, general cat- egories and star ratings are no longer the first consideration,” says Claudia Johannsen, Business Unit Director at Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. “Hotels that want to be successful moving for- ward cannot just do the same as all the others. Every hotel has to re-invent itself and give guests a unique experience.” The most im- portant ingredient for 2019 is indi- viduality. “The concept has to be credibly linked with the location,” says Corinna Kretschmar-Joehnk, CEO of an interior decorating and design studio. Reservation, check- in, guest communication, pay- ment – many of the everyday pro- cesses in the hospitality industry use digital systems today. Access codes for hotel rooms can be sent by text message, and room light- ing controlled via app. New furni- ture includes induction sockets to recharge smartphone batteries, and may change the overall look of the hotel room. And guests want to recharge their own en- ergy level on holiday. Interior architect Corinna Kretsch- mar-Joehnk understands why ho- tel guests want to switch off – “It is quite reasonable for hotel guests to want a natural setting with a feeling of warmth that gives them a sense of being off- line for a change.” Ideas for at- tractive room and lighting con- cepts and furniture are presented by leading suppliers. Nature is a key element in the hospitality in- dustry, both in design and in man- agement. Greens and natural materials are used to imitate the countryside, with features such as infinity pools, indoor waterfalls and green outdoor terraces that can be used all year round, giving guests a new outdoor experience in a defined space. Careful use of natural resources is a key consideration for many guests. They want sustainable management, the use of energy- saving equipment, an appeal- ing range of organic products, or transparent communication of measures to save water. This trend is evident in timeless design combined with high-value, long- life, environmentally sound ma- terials. Examples of that at Inter- norga are beds made of natural raw materials, water saving tech- nologies, and long-life outdoor furniture. At Internorga, hoteliers can get a comprehensive over- view of current trends. Photo: Hamburg Messe und Congress / Rolf Otzipka Craft Spirit Lounge enlarged Artisan beers, spirits and non-alcoholic drinks under one roof Gin without alcohol? Hand-craf ted schnapps? Liqueur with chilli? Anything’s possible in the world of distillers. The focus is moving more and more to health-con- scious consumers looking for non-alcoholic drinks or spirits from natural sources. And there is plenty for enterprising connois- seurs and fans of traditional distillates at Internorga’s enlarged Craft Spirit Lounge. It has twice the space compared with 2018 and gives 18 exhibitors space to showcase their latest creations. While the trend towards craft spirits is still fairly recent, artisan beers are now an es- tablished element in food service and hos- pitality. The Craft Beer Arena has been the springboard to success for a great many micro-breweries, and has been one of the absolute highlights at Internorga for the last four years. From 15 to 19 March, 31 brewers from the whole of Europe, including leading compa- nies and recent start-ups, will present more than 150 creative beers and invite visitors to talk shop. The experts will present their latest beers on the stage there, giving fasci- nating insights into brewing culture, and in- viting visitors to tastings, mixings and pair- ings. Alongside beer and spirits, the trend for artisan brewing is increasingly reaching the non-alcoholic refreshment beverage market. Visitors can get first-hand infor- mation on the latest products with natu- ral stimulants such as mate, green coffee beans and fresh ginger lemonade at Inter- norga, and engage in face-to-face dialogue with the manufacturers. The Craft Spirit Lounge and the Craft Beer Arena will be right next to each other for the first time, in Hall B4 (upper floor). Suppliers of non-al- coholic craft beverages also present them- selves in Halls A1, B1, B2 and B3. This year, the Craft Beer Arena and Craft Spirit Lounge will be held right next to each other in Hall B4. Photo: Hamburg Messe und Congress / Michael Zapf Attraktives Angebot Vegan-vegetarische Speisen für Außer-Haus-Markt Ob zum Wohle ihrer Gesundheit und des Klimas – oder einfach, weil es ihnen schmeckt: Immer mehr Deutsche genießen die pflanzliche Küche. Die steigende Anzahl vegetarisch, vegan und fle- xitarisch lebender Menschen hat auch Auswirkungen auf Gastrono- mie und Hotellerie, die der Nach- frage nach Veggie-Optionen ge- recht werden müssen. Als Fachmesse für den gesam- ten Außer-Haus-Markt lässt die Internorga dem ungebrochenen Veggie-Trend erneut eine beson- dere Bedeutung zukommen. Die Ernährungsorganisation ProVeg ist wie im letzten Jahr als Koope- rationspartner dabei und unter- stützt die Messe in allen Belangen rund um die vegan-vegetarische Ernährung. „Wir freuen uns, Pro- Veg wieder als starken Partner an unserer Seite zu haben. Das Veggie-Thema beschäftigt die Branche und verlangt nach ge- eigneten Geschäftsmodellen und Produktportfolios im Außer-Haus- Markt. Auf der Internorga bieten wir Gastronomen nicht nur einen umfassenden Überblick zu aktuel- len Trends und Innovationen, son- dern auch ein Rahmenprogramm, das inspiriert“, sagt Claudia Jo- hannsen, Managerin bei der Ham- burg Messe und Congress. ProVeg ist auf der Internorga als zentrales Informations- und Kompetenzzentrum für das The- ma pflanzliche Küche vertreten. „Pflanzenbetonte, gesunde Ge- richte werden mehr und mehr zum festen Bestandteil im Außer- Haus-Markt. Vorreiter waren die Betriebsgastronomie und Studen- tenwerke – jetzt folgen vor allem kleine Restaurantketten mit inno- vativen Konzepten“, sagt Katleen Haefele, Leitung ProVeg Food Ser- vices und Events. „Durch ein attraktives und ab- wechslungsreiches Angebot pflanzlicher Speisen profitieren Gastronomen vom Veggie-Trend und sichern somit wertvolle Kun- densegmente.“ ProVeg Food Services bietet auf der Messe Be- ratung und vielfältige Informati- onen über Trends und Potenziale von vegan-vegetarischen Speisen für den Außer-Haus-Markt an.