iba 2023

••• 12••• Messewelten On the trail of the food trends What are the food trends of the future? What expectations do customers have from tomorrow’s bakery counters? Along with artisan bakery, digitalisation and sustainability, food trends is the fourth focus topic at iba 2023. And of course, vegan and vegetarian options and alternatives are highly coveted as well as healthy snacks. iba.START UP AWARD Ihre Stimme zählt: Sie haben einen Start-up Favoriten und möchten ihm die Chance auf den iba. START UP AWARD geben? Als registrierter Besucher auf iba.UNIVERSE haben Sie die Möglichkeit über die Applaus-Funktion bis zu max. 10 Stimmen pro Start-up Pitch zu vergeben. Die Abstimmung wird bis 25. Oktober, 13:00 Uhr (MESZ) möglich sein. Unter allen Teilnehmern verlost der Veranstalter drei Goodie-Bags inkl. je zwei Eintrittskarten für die iba 2025. Die Gewinner werden nach der iba per E-Mail informiert. A look into the halls A3 and A4 Robotics, AI, Chocolate & Startups The two artisan bakery halls A3 and A4 are next to each other. This is where exhibitors will be presenting a variety of products. Wolf ButterBack (hall A3, stand 371), for example, will be exhibiting croissant varieties and Danish pastries as well as innovative snack ideas and inviting visitors to taste them. Delta Bäckerei -Maschinen Wi lhelm Hölscher will have its new Deltamatic water mixing and dosing equipment on show at stand 521 in hall A3. BÄKO (hall A3, stand 350) will be presenting a mixture of digital and AI-supported products for optimising operational processes as well as new technology and equipment. The Boyens Backservice stand in hall A3, stand 110, will also be focusing on digitalisation in artisan bakery: “Colleague Robot” can be seen live in action and will demonstrate how it performs repetitive routines like embellishing pastries with jelly or jam. Hall A4 is all about chocolate: Jacobi Decor (hall A4, stand 426) will be offering a whole range for confectionery and bakery products, from couverture made of Carma chocolate to fondant and decorative items. A special process for cutting and forming dough pieces called “PANEOTRAD®” will be shown by the French manufacturer Bongard (hal l A4, stand 110). A few steps away is the new iba. START UP AREA supported by Puratos, where national and international startups will be presenting the latest innovations across all sectors. Some startups also offer ideas and solutions specifically for the artisan bakery. The Baguette Academy, for example, will be introducing its repertoire of specialist courses: from pain au chocolat to brioche and French baguette, interested parties can book their course and carry it out online with the trainers. Print4Taste will be showing a new 3D food printer for professionals using a plug & play solution. Reach new customers digitally via app and website and set up an online shop? – this is the idea the startup Bakeronline will be presenting. In hall A3 and A4 visitors will find many highlights Foto: GHM Impressum MESSEJOURNAL DIE MESSE iba 2023 Verlag: EXXPO.DIE MESSE GmbH Bessemerstraße 82 12103 Berlin (Tempelhof) Telefon: +49 160 5523402 E-Mail: verwaltung@die-messe.de Internet: www.die-messe.de www. exxpo.com Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Norbert Funke südback 2024 Mehr als 35.000 Fachbesucher und knapp 600 Aussteller nahmen an der südback 2022 teil. Um diesen positiven Trend auch für die nächste Messeausgabe fortzusetzen, sind bereits jetzt die Planungen und Vorbereitungen für die kommende südback vom 26. bis 29. Oktober 2024 in Stuttgart im vollen Gange. Anuga FoodTec 2024 Once the person moves away, the robot carries on with its work at the normal speed. Food manufacturers can find both stationary and mobile cobots that cover a host of application scenarios at Anuga FoodTec. Experts see a potentially huge and fast-growing market for AI-controlled applications for the automation of warehouses. Machine learning is the key for more efficiency in the order picking sector. For example, robots will make it possible to take the adequate, respective decision for every situation within the supply chain within the shortest space of time. Especially for small and mediumsized food manufacturers, the versatility of the cobots opens up new options of automating their processes flexibly and raising them up to a higher level step-by-step. Placed totally according to need and the situation at hand, the lightweight robots can be continually implemented in different places to keep the production going or to fill in for absent staff – for example for the automatic decoration of bakery products or at the end of the line to pick seasonal items that come in different flavours. Many solutions for food processing will be shown Foto: Koelnmesse / Anuga FoodTec / Harald Fleissner Continued from Page 10