CeMAT 2018

•••2••• Messewelten T he vision of self-optimizing in- tralogistics solutions requires further research and develop- ment. Together with the Fraun- hofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML, the VDMA Ma- terials Handling and Intralogistics Association has developed three technology roadmaps for Intra- logistics 2025. The results, which include recommendations for ac- tion in the fields of sensor tech- nology, communication and data science, will be presented and discussed in Forum Logistics 4.0 in Hall 19. Other aspects of digitalization re- late to the processes within sup- ply chains. Blockchains could be crucial to digitally networking all participants in a supply chain. Transparency, process and ma- nipulation security are essential advantages of the technology, the trade fair organizer Deutsche Messe reports. Blockchains for logistics applications Nevertheless, many questions remain unanswered: For which logistics applications are block- chains suitable? When is the right time to deal with this topic? How do you approach the introduc- tion? Which legal and technical challenges still need to be clari- fied? The VDMA Association of Materials Handling and Intralo- gistics and experts will discuss such topics at the Forum Logis- tics 4.0. New digitalization technologies such as IT platforms, machine learning and digital twin expand the horizons of the logistics world in many user industries. Thanks to the constantly improving tech- nology, it is possible to optimize all processes of the value-added chain and thus to work even more effectively and cost-efficiently. Thanks to intelligent network- ing between production and lo- gistics, information can now be delivered both internally and ex- ternally for processes and prod- ucts. Large amounts of data and the sharp increase in comput- ing power provide the optimal framework for machine learning applications in the environment of Industrie 4.0, enabling much previously unused information to become part of the value-added chain and contribute to the digi- tal transformation of companies. Newperspectives due to digital twin solutions Platforms will also increasingly dominate the logistics market. Many providers and users ensure that digital platforms regulate the market, reduce transaction costs and play a key role in redis- tributing value creation. Digital twin solutions also allow differ- ent perspectives in logistics. The digital twin is in constant interac- tion with its partner. It records the individual levels of the lifecy- cle and analyzes them. The ad- vantage: Observations and sen- sor data from ongoing operations flow back into the model in real time and can be used for continu- ous optimization and updates. In the forums in Halls 19 and 21, visitors will learn which challenges companies have to master with these technologies and how to man- age logistics in the digital fast lane. Background: The VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Asso- ciation and the VDMA Software and Digitalization Association support the forum programme at CeMAT 2018. Together with important part- ners such as the German Logistics Association (BVL), the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), the EHI Retail In- stitute and the Scientific Society for Technical Logistics (WGTL) the VDMA associations show which trends and technologies make Logistics 4.0 possible. CeMAT Logistics Solutions Forum The future of intralogistics is digital and networked. Various products are already developing strongly towards autonomous intelligent systems. Automated guided vehicles and systems are already part of the familiar picture in warehouses and production fa- cilities worldwide. New methods of navigation and increasingly sophisticated sen- sor technology ensure efficiency and process automation in pro- duction and warehouse logistics worldwide. What benefit do they offer users? What technical inno- vations and enhancements are there? Research experts, users and manufacturers will answer such questions at this year’s Ce- MAT Logistics Solutions Forum in Hall 21. Technology roadmaps for Intralogistics 2025 Recommendations for action in the elds of sensor technology, communication and data science Machine learning, digital twin and IT platforms are making their way into logistics. Photo: Festo AG Branchen-Newsletter Logistics – 1 x im Monat • Aktuelle Messetermine • Messenews • Branchennews Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden! Kostenlos. Hier: http://www.exxpo.com/newsletter The Newsletter is presented by DIE MESSE: www.die-messe.de Trade Fair Schedule Logistics 23-27 April, 2018 CeMAT Hanover, Germany 24-27 April, 2018 STL - Systems for Transport and Logistics Moscow, Russia 25-26 April, 2018 ChemLogistics India Mumbai, India 09-11 May, 2018 Logismed Marrakesh, Morocco 16-18 May, 2018 Air Cargo China Shanghai, China 16-18 May, 2018 transport logistic China Shanghai, China 16-19 May, 2018 TransSiberia / Translogistica Novosibirsk, Russia 29 May-01 June, 2018 INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA Milan, Italy 29-31 May, 2018 BreakBulk Europe Bremen, Germany 05-07 June, 2018 SIL BARCELONA Barcelona, Spain 21-23 June, 2018 IMHLS New Delhi, India 24-26 July, 2018 CeMAT AUSTRALIA Melbourne, Australia 29-31 August, 2018 TILOG-LOGISTIX Bangkok, Thailand 18-21 September, 2018 InnoTrans Berlin, Germany 18-21 September, 2018 Expo Logisti-k Buenos Aires, Argentina 16-19 October, 2018 Movimat São Paulo, Brazil 06-08 November, 2018 TransLogistica Poland Warsaw, Poland Anzeige Messestadt Düsseldorf DieRhein-Metropolepunktetmit regionalerund internationaler Gastronomie | Seite 16 Anzeige Anzeige AuflagengruppeR ,,Bepartof it :DieBranche zu GastaufderWeltleitmesse für MedizinundMedizintechnik MEDICAund COMPAMED 2016 Düsseldorf 14.bis17.November2016 LesenSiehierzuein InterviewaufSeite3 E inenDemonstrator,der aktive Implantatedrahtlos viaUltra- schallmit Energie versorgt, stel- lenWissenschaftlerdes Fraunho- fer-Instituts für Biomedizinische Technik (IBMT) in Sulzbach (Saar- land) auf derMedica inHalle 10, StandG05vor. DieTechnologie isteineAlternati- vezurEnergieversorgungmitBat- terieund Induktion.Die innovati- ve Lösung kommt platzsparend ohne integrierte Batterien aus und ist effizienter als eine induk- tiveEnergieübertragung. Platzsparendund energieeƥzient NeueTechnologieversorgtaktive ImplantateviaUltraschallmitEnergie From extremely sensitive robots towearables forallsituations:The digitalisationofhealthcare ispro- gressing at an unstoppable rate, and this concernsall fields,outpa- tientandclinicalcare,aswellaspa- tientsandphysiciansalike. Medica 2016will reflect this pro- cess – 5,000 exhibitors from around 70 countrieswill be pre- senting tailored solutions forout- patientandclinicalcare. Anunstoppableprocess Digitalwave is sweepingover thehealthcare sector Innovationen Sicherverbunden NeuartigerKunststoff fürLuer- Systeme | Seite 10 Enormaufnahmefähig MaßgeschneiderteAlginate für Wundauflagen | Seite 12 Light therapywithOLED New foundation for future thera- peuticapplications | Page8 Ausdem Inhalt: ePaper LesenSie digital www.exxpo.com/epaper/ medica_2016 Anzeige Readmoreonpage4 D50 Certifiedenterprisemanagement system ISO9001:2008 TUV Rheinland CNCMACHINEDPARTS www.oros.it FRPPHUFLDOH @oros.it SPIRIT OF PRECISION visitusat COMPAMED Düsseldorf Hall 8A StandM07 ANSMANNAG WELTNEUHEIT APPCONNECTED RECHARGEABLEBATTERYPACKS BMS ...seemoreon page14 Hall8B /E30 Havinghugepotential:healthapps Photo:MesseDüsseldorf /ctillmann Ultraschall-Technologie ist eine Alternative bei der Energiever- sorgungaktiver Implantate. Foto:Fraunhofer IBMT /MarkusMichel Whereautomationmeets future: Der internationaleMarktplatz derAutomatisierungsbranche spsipc drives2016 Nürnberg 22.bis24.November2016 Anzeige Anzeige Messestadt Nürnberg Gastronomie-Tipps fürdie Franken-Metropole | Seite 19 AuflagengruppeG LesenSiedaskomplette InterviewaufSeite3 W ie Industrie-4.0-Konzepte inmittelständischenUnter- nehmenumzusetzensind, isteine derKernfragen im Forum „Auto- mationmeets IT“ aufder sps ipc drives (Halle3A-451). „Das Gerüst für Industrie 4.0 stehtweitgehend, zum Beispiel unterdemBegriffRAMI4.0“,sagt PeterFrüauf,stellvertretenderGe- schäftsführer Elektrische Auto- mation imVerbandDeutscherMa- schinen-undAnlagenbau (VDMA). Jetzt gelte es, die Lösungswege indiePraxisumzusetzen,betont er imGesprächmit DIEMESSE . Wiedies gelingen kann,diskutie- rendie Experten aufdem Forum „Automationmeets IT“.Darüber hinausbieteauchderVDMAprak- tische Handreichungen – etwa mit Veröffentlichungenwie dem „Leitfaden Industrie4.0“oderder „Industrie4.0ReadinessStudie“. Industrie4.0:DasGerüst steht Forum„Automationmeets IT“diskutiertPraxis-Umsetzung fürMittelstand Scientists have developed a fle- xible system conceptusing radio frequency identification (RFID) sensors tomonitormachines in industrialenvironments.Through continuouswireless andbattery- freemeasurement of tempera- tureandotherparametersaswell asan intelligentanalysisofsensor data, it becomes possible to de- tect failure risks early and opti- mizemaintenance times. Detecting risksearly New systemusesRFID sensors tomonitormachines Messewelten Schaufensterder Automatisierung Industrie4.0Area,„Automation meets IT“und„MESgoes Automation“ | Seite6 Ausdem Inhalt: ePaper LesenSie digital www.exxpo.com/epaper/ sps_2016 Readmoreonpage 12 RFID sensor transponders can be installed in hard-to-access areasor rotatingmachineparts. Photo:Fraunhofer IPMS Smarte Fertigung in der Industrie 4.0: Das Gerüst steht, nun giltes,dieLösungswegeumzusetzen. Foto:PhoenixContact /VDMA Branchennews Standards required Thechallengeof Industry4.0: Datacommunicationhas tobe secured | Page9 Stand7-550 Halle7A/340 e t x itels o e t m a / Düsseldorf DieRhein-Metropolepunktetmit regionalerund internationaler Gastronomie | Seite 12 AuflagengruppeC LesenSiedaskomplette InterviewaufSeite3 D iewachsendeNachfragenach neuen Leichtbaukomponen- ten – insbesondere durch die Automobilindustrie – sorgt bei den deutschen Aluminiumgie- ßereien für einen Investitions- schubundbefeuertdasMarktpo- tenzial der Branche. Gießereien würden „runderneuert“ bezie- hungsweise komplett neu ge- baut, skizziertMax Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Bun- desverbands derDeutschenGie- ßerei-Industrie, die Aktivitäten derLeichtmetallgießereien imGe- sprächmit DIEMESSE . BefeuertesMarktpotenzial BedarfanneuenLeichtbau-Komponenten sorgt für Investitionsschub In 2016,Aluminiumwill focus on lightweight construction aswell as resource and cost efficien- cy. The trade fair inHalls 9 to 14 showcases new pioneering solu- tions formore efficiency in pro- duction and processing – from raw materials to semi-finished goods to finished products from the user industries, frommachi- nery toproductionplants and ac- cessories to surface treatments. Excellentopportunities Megatrend lightweightconstructionatAluminium ePaper LesenSie digital www.exxpo.com/epaper/ aluminium_2016 Readmoreonpage2 DerLeichtbau-Trend imAutomobilbauträgtzu„stabilpositiven Perspektiven“ imAluminiumgussbei. Foto:DieterSchütz /pixelio.de Anzeige Messewelten KostbarerRohstoff InZeiten chrumpfenderReser- venwirdRecyclingvonAlumi- nium immerwichtiger | Seite4 Innovationen Lightervehicles Advancedmanufacturing tech- nologiespave theway fornew, lightercars thatallowpollution tobe reduced | Page6 Ausdem Inhalt: Messestadt Aluminium 2016 showcases innovative lightweight construc- tion solutions. Photo:ReedExhibitionsDeutschlandGmbH • Cold-formed • Homogenousand gas-Ɵght • High-precision • Leight-weight • Process-secure ImpactExtrusionPartsyou can trust in! 29.Nov –1.Dez2016 MesseDüsseldorf Visions become reality. ProductsofNeumanAluminium ImpactExtrusion: Austria,Germany,USA,Slovakia,China Contact:GeraldReither gerald.reither@neuman.at Tel.:+432762500914 www.neuman.at 29.Nov –1.Dez2016 MesseDüsseldorf www.aluminium-messe.com Hall9 •Booth E15 Messe2013 Stadt 00.00.-00.00.2013 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Anzeige Das neue Messeportal 4200MesseterminemitDatenundFakten InternationaleMessenews InnovationenausallenBranchen Leichtbau inBestform: DerinternationaleTreõpunktder globalenAluminiumbranche ALUMINIUM 2016 Düsseldorf 29.11.bis1.12.2016