sps 2018

••• 13••• Innovationen Sensors play a key role in Industry 4.0 Novel RFID middleware based on OPC UA – Auto-ID companion specication Cost reductions resulting from transparent supply chains, work- piece-controlled production lines or preventive maintenance meas- ures would not be possible with- out the interaction of identifica- tion methods, sensors, software, and secure data storage concepts. Fraunhofer IPMS developed a sys- tem made up of various wireless RFID sensors, RFID OPC UA mid- dleware and a tamper-proof data storage concept based on block- chain technology. In addition to RFID Auto-ID tech- nology, sensors play a key role in the Industry 4.0 world. Real ob- jects must be clearly identifiable for correlation in the virtual world and sensors must be able to mon- itor various conditions affecting them. Researchers at Fraunhofer IPMS have combined both, there- by linking the two technologies of automatic object identification and wireless acquisition of tem- perature, inclination, humidity and other sensor-provide data. Because some RFID technol- ogy currently found in today’s industrial processes are often manufacturer-bound, hardware alone cannot solve the problem. Fraunhofer IPMS Head of Wire- less Microsystems Frank Deicke explains, “Companies with RFID technologies already integrated in their processes repeatedly face limitations due to being tied to specific manufacturers. Some components are unable to assimi- late over diverse frequencies and manufacturers and therefore can- not be connected to the superor- dinate control system or cloud services without investing strong integration efforts.” RFID mid- dleware based on the OPC UA – Auto-ID companion specification provides a solution for simplified system integration. According to Dr. Deicke, RFID sensor system applications are typically found in areas relying on wireless measured value ac- quisition and data transfer. Such areas of application can include monitoring the temperature of goods moving along the logistics chain, the mechanical conditions placed on rotating components of machine tools, or the moisture and temperature levels in hard-to- reach or harsh environments. Global business and industry demands today exceed simply collecting and processing data. Modern production processes in- volve numerous manufacturers, logistics companies and other participants. Often, data from manufacturing and delivery pro- cesses needs to be shared among partners across the entire supply chain. Blockchain technology of- fers a transparent and tamper- proof approach currently under research. Fraunhofer IPMS developed a system made up of various wire- less RFID sensors and a specially-developed RFID OPC UA mid- dleware. Photo: Fraunhofer IPMS Eine Demo-Wand „OPC UA for AutoID“ zeigt die OPC Foundation auf der SPS IPC Drives in Halle 5, Stand. 347. Das Who- is-Who der wichtigsten AutoID-Hersteller unter- stütze diese Initiative, teilt der Verband AIM-D e. V. mit. „Nach intensi- ver Zusammenarbeit der OPC- und AIM-Experten im AIM-Arbeitskreis Sys- temintegration ist für 2019 bereits die nächste aktualisierte Version der AutoID Companion Spe- cification in Vorbereitung“, kündigt AIM-D-Vorstands- mitglied Olaf Wilmsmeier an. „Mit Blick auf die welt- weit zunehmend höhere Akzeptanz der OPC Unified Architecture liefern wir damit einen maßgeblichen Beitrag, um die Integration von AutoID-Geräten im Rahmen von Zukunftskonzepten wie Industrie 4.0 und der US-Variante Industrial Internet zu vereinfa- chen und zu beschleunigen.“ Peter Altes, Geschäftsführer AIM-D e. V., ergänzt: „Die Implementierung von Konzepten wie dem In- ternet der Dinge (IoT / IIoT) und Industrie 4.0 ver- langt unter anderem zuverlässige Daten über den Lauf bewegter Objekte in Produktion und Logistik (Stichwort: Digital Supply Chain).“ Dafür müssten in vermehrtem Umfang Systeme für die automa- tische Identifikation, für die Erhebung von Umge- bungsdaten – also Sensoren – und für die Echtzeitor- tung installiert werden. „OPC-UA bietet die richtige Grundlage, um diese Systeme schnell in vorhande- ne IT-Landschaften zu integrieren. Der mit der OPC Foundation gemeinsam entwickelte OPC AIM Compa- nion Standard bringt dabei bereits seit einigen Jah- ren große Fortschritte.“ Demo-Wand OPC UA for AutoID auf SPS IPC Drives OPC-UA biete die richti- ge Grundlage, um neue Systeme in bestehende IT-Infrastrukturen zu integrieren, sagt AIM-D-Geschäftsführer Peter Altes. Foto: AIM-D e.V. &UIFS$"5 UFDIOPMPHZ JT POF PG UIF NPTU BEWBODFE BOE IJHI QFSGPSNBODF JOUFSGBDFT GPS DPNNVOJDBUJPO PO UIF TIPQ MFWFM PG UIF GBDUPSZ #FTJEFT HSFBU nFYJCJMJUZ BOE IJHI UISPVHIQVU JU PGGFST TPNF CBTJD GBVMU UPMFSBODF GFBUVSFT U P X J U I T U B O E Q P T T J C M F IB S EXB S F G B J M V S F T #V U FOHJOFFST GSPN LPFOJH QB (NC) XFOU GVSUIFS BOE JOWFOUFE UIF XBZ UP QSPUFDU JOEVTUSJBM OFUXPSL GSPN UIF NPT U TFWF S F Q S PC M FN o NBMGVODUJPO PG NBTUFS TZTUFN UIBU DPOUSPMT UIF &UIFS$"5 OFUXPSL PQFSBUJPO 5IFJS QBUFOUFE UFDIOPMPHZ DBMMFE .BTUFS 3FEVOEBODZ BMMPXT UP TFBNMFTTMZ SFDPWFS GSPN UIF DPOUSPM TZTUFN GBJMVSF BOE TUBZ PQFSBUJPOBM FWFO JO B TZODISPOJ[FE FOWJSPONFOU 3FEVOEBOU &UIFS$"5 DPOmHV SBUJPO DPNQSJTFT POF BDUJWF NBTUFS EFWJDF BOE POF PS TFWFSBM QBTTJWF NBTUFS DPOOFDUFE UP UIF CVT BT B TIBEPX BHFOU 4FDPOEBSZ NBT U F S J T TO J G mOH EB U B UFMFHSBNT BT UIFZ QBTT CZ XJUIPVU BOZ DIBOHFT "U UIF TBNF UJNF UIJT NBTUFS DBMDVMBUFT UIF UJNF XIFO FBDI UFMFHSBN BSSJWFT BOE USBDLT QPTTJCMF EFMBZT CFUXFFO FYQFDUFE BOE BDUVBM UJNF PG BSSJWBM 8IFO UIF UFMFHSBN JT EFMBZFE B XBUDIEPH UJNFS TUBSUT "GUFS UIF UJNF TQFDJmFE JO UIF NBTUFShT TFUUJOHT JT FMBQTFE UIF NBTUFS TUBSUT IJT GBJMPWFS QSPUPDPM BOE UBLFT DPOUSPM PWFS UIF CVT JOTUFBE PG IJT GBJMFE DPVOUFSQBSU %VSJOH 414 *1$ %SJWFT ZPV DBO FYBNJOF UIF NBTUFS SFEVOEBODZ JO BDUJPO BOE EJTDVTT UFDIOJDBM EFUBJMT BOE QPTTJCMF DPPQFSBUJPO XJUI FYQF S U T G S PN LPFO J H QB (NC) &UIFS$"5 .BTUFS 3FEVOEBODZ LPFOJH QB EF (NC) UFM XXX LPFOJH QB EF :PV DBO mOE VT BU )BMM #PPUI Anzeige