•••9••• Messewelten Bulk handling event in Nottingham Bulkex – the Bulk Handling Exhibi- tion and Conference in UK, will take place on 16-17 October, 2019 in Nottingham. Under the motto „Bulk Handling Tomorrow’s World“, the conference is focus- ing on current and impending op- portunities and achievments in the bulk materials industry. Ac- cording to the organiser Materi- als Handling Engineers Associa- tion (MHEA), the subjects covered will appeal to professionals and organisations from across the bulk materials handling industry, as well as associate fields such as mining, ports, transport, power, biomass, waste to energy and ce- ment. An evening awards cere- mony, celebrating the best in ma- terials handling, will take place on 16 October. Categories include Apprentice of the Year, Project of the Year, Harold Wright Lifetime Achievement Award, Innovation Award and Supplier of the Year. More information is available at https://bulkex.co.uk . Breakbulk Europe im Mai in Bremen Am 21. Mai 2019 öffnet zum zwei- ten Mal die Breakbulk Europe ihre Tore in Bremen. In diesem Jahr werden zu der Fachmesse der in- ternationalen Stückgut- und Schwergutlogistikbranche 10000 Gäste aus aller Welt in den Bremer Messehallen erwartet. Ein beson- derer Anziehungspunkt auf der Breakbulk Europe sei der Stand der bremischen Hafenwirtschaft, an dem sich knapp 30 Unterneh- men mit ihren Kompetenzen prä- sentieren werden, heißt es bei den Veranstaltern. Die Breakbulk Europe hatte zuvor immer in Ant- werpen stattgefunden und war 2018 zum ersten Mal in Bremen an den Start gegangen. Auf der Mes- se stellen neben den Hafenstand- orten auch Reedereien und die Hafenwirtschaft ihre vielfältigen Kompetenzen aus. Weiterer Schwerpunkt der Branche wird in diesem Jahr die Breakbulk-Mes- sen in Houston (Breakbulk Ameri- cas, 8. bis 10. Oktober 2019) dar- stellen, im kommenden Jahr folgt zudem die Breakbulk Middle East, (25. bis 26. Februar 2020 in Dubai). Veranstalter der Breakbulk-Reihe ist die private britische Messege- sellschaft ITE. SOLIDS Dortmund im April 2020 Die SOLIDS Dortmund – Fachmesse für Granulat-, Pulver- und Schüttgut- technologien – geht am 1. und 2. April 2020 in ihre nächste Runde. Der Ver- anstalter Easyfairs erwartet über 500 Firmen, die ihre neuesten Produkte und Lösungen für die Verarbeitung, Handhabung und Lagerung von fein- bis grobkörnigen Materialien präsen- tieren. Die Fachmesse für Granulat-, Pulver- & Schüttguttechnologien fin- det gemeinsam mit der RECYCLING- TECHNIK in den Dortmunder Messe- hallen 4, 5, 6 & 7 statt. Zuletzt kamen über 6 000 Fachbesucher zu dem Messeduo. Die SOLIDS Dortmund registrierte bei den internationalen Gästen mit Besuchern aus 60 Nati- onen ein Wachstum um 20 Prozent. Zehn Prozent mehr Besucher als im Vorjahr besuchten die Recycling-Tech- nik und unterstreichen die wachsen- de Bedeutung dieses Branchentreffs, heißt es beim Veranstalter. Setting new standards AchemAsia to take place on 21-23 May, 2019 in Shanghai A chemAsia – which will take place on 21-23 May, 2019, in Shanghai, will int- roduce a a couple of novelties: The Inter- national Expo and Innovation Forum for Sustainable Chemical Production brings the latest technologies in this field to the spotlight. Making the process industry more sustai- nable means using less resources and less energy; efficiency in pro- duction processes is increased via the implementation of energy re- covery measures, the use of bet- ter catalysts and optimized equip- ment. It means designing processes with a holistic perspective, mak- ing use of new digitalization and modelling approaches. It means protecting scarce water resources through state-of-the-art industrial water management, closing loops, culminating in concepts such as zero liquid discharge where no wa- ter leaves the industrial process. This focus matches China’s strive to modernize its industrial foundation fol- lowing the “Made in China 2025” strat- egy. Over the past years, overcapacities have been taken off the market, and strict regulations have been imposed to implement high environmental stand- ards as well as increasing plant and pro- cess safety. Older plants have been relo- cated to modern industrial parks or had to be shut down. New petrochemical complexes are currently being built, in- volving significant international invest- ment. According to a report by Germany Trade and Invest in November 2018, con- ditions for foreign investment are better than ever – not least due to the pressure imposed by the trade and technology conflict with the USA. The pharmaceutical industry, too, is set- ting out for new horizons. Policy makers and regulators are increasing the pres- sure on China’s pharmaceutical compa- nies; by calling for cost cuttings in health services, they have created a much more competitive environ- ment for the industry, pushing it to rely less on generic drugs and focus more on the development of innovative drugs. The pharma industry thus is preparing to be- come more flexible, setting up modular production lines than are able to produce different prod- ucts with minimal changeover times. And the changes are showing, says Thomas Scheuring: “I visit- ed China on a business trip in fall 2018 and I was really impressed by some of the pharma tech compa- nies we visited. Also the efficien- cy in chemical engineering has increased tremendously. From a Western viewpoint, there are plenty of developments to be curious about.” Be- sides being showcased in the exhibition, these trends will also be discussed in the accompanying congress. Composed of satellite symposia on hot topics of the Chinese process industry, the congress takes place right in the exhibition hall. For the first time, AchemAsia will take place in Shanghai. Photo: Yiran Ding on Unsplash Schüttgut-Handling steht im Zentrum der SOLIDS Dortmund, die Anfang April 2020 in den Westfalenhallen stattfindet. Foto: A. Bonarius / pixelio.de