•••2••• Messewelten R esearchers are obviously keen to see their breakthrough re- sults and efforts in diverse scien- tific areas brought to a broader audience in industry and the mar- ketplace. This is why the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) will be presenting its biotech research findings to an audience of profes- sionals at Labvolution with the life sciences event Biotechnica. Companies and research insti- tutes will be using the event to highlight the fruits of their re- search, as exhibitors at the TUB pavilion intent on connecting with potential cooperation part- ners from around the world. The TUB welcomes participation by research facilities and start-ups. Another reason for the TUB pres- ence at this leading European trade fair for innovative labora- tory technology lies in the fact that it is an ideal platform for pro- moting the numerous courses of study offered by its various insti- tutes and departments. Single-use bioreactor CELL-tainer The TUB will be presenting the CELL-tainer, which is one of the outstanding results of bio-pro- cessing technology work carried out at the Institute for Biotech- nology. The single-use bioreac- tor CELL-tainer was developed in collaboration with an industry partner. Previously available as 20 l and 200 l models there is now a smaller 2 l model. This wave-mixed reactor is suitable not only for the low shear cultiva- tion of cell lines, but also – due to the comparatively high gas mass transfer rate – for the cultivation of micro-organisms. Until recently this concept could only be effectively applied to the fed-batch cultivation of Es- cherichia coli with bio dry mass concentrations of up to 60 gL-1 without additional oxygen supply. However, with the current sys- tem it is also possible to cultivate filamentous fungi, whereby the formation of structures is deter- mined solely by the growth medi- um due to the low shear forces. In addition, a variant was developed for the cultivation of phototro- phic organisms which by virtue of the high surface to volume ratio ensures good light energy con- version. Nucleotide synthesis Another keynote of the TUB pavil- ion is the application of enzymatic processes in pharmaceutical pro- duction. If DNA is broken down further, nucleosides and nucleo- tides – the building blocks of life – remain. Synthetically produced nucleosides are fundamental to the pharmaceutical arsenal in the fight against disease. Chemical processes are the state-of-the- art technology upon which their manufacture is based, however there are limitations with respect to the purity of the products cre- ated and these processes cannot replicate certain molecules. Consequently, the researchers have focused on the develop- ment of enzymatic processes in order to manufacture modified nucleosides and nucleotides. This process will help pharmaceutical companies to develop new medi- cines with relatively little effort as well as to improve the production of existing products. Production techniques in biotechnology The TUB pavilion also addresses biotech production, featuring ad- vances in mold and toolmaking for biotechnological and medical applications. Engineers in biotech- nology and mechanical engineer- ing at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Operation at TUB have been working on cross- over and interdisciplinary solu- tions in these fields. Labvolution with Biotechnica will showcase precisely formed molds suitable for use in the replicative manu- facture of dental products and in microfluid systems for blood and cell analysis. Outstanding results from the research lab Technical University of Berlin to present biotech research ndings in hall 19/20, booth E65 The exhibitors at the TUB pavilion intent on connecting with potential cooperation partners from around the world. Photo: Deutsche Messe Selber sequenzieren oder die Flexibilität von Dienstleistern nutzen? In Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft nimmt der Bedarf an Next Generation 6HTXHQFLQJ 1*6 VW¦QGLJ ]X +¦XȴJ stellt sich für den Anwender die Frage, imeigenenHaus zusequenzierenoder an einen Dienstleister auszulagern. Ist die eigene Sequenzierung nicht ȵH[LEOHU XQG J¾QVWLJHU" In den meisten Fällen nicht. Eine NRVWHQHɝ]LHQWH 6HTXHQ]LHUXQJ LVW K¦XȴJ QXU I¾U JUR¡H 3UREHQ]DKOHQ möglich. Soll etwa nur ein Bakteriengenom sequenziert werden, so ist eine Datenmenge erforderlich, die z.B. von einem Kanal des Illumina +L6HT EHL ZHLWHP ¾EHUWUR΍HQ ZHUGHQ würde. Auch die Finanzierung für $QVFKD΍XQJ XQG %HWULHE HLQHV HLJHQHQ 1*6 *HU¦WV LVW QXU EHL HLQHU entsprechenden Auslastung sinnvoll, und eine hohe Sequenzqualität und ȂTXDQWLW¦W LVW QXU EHL RSWLPLHUWHQ /DERUSUR]HVVHQ P¸JOLFK Genau dafür hat GATC Biotech als Europas innovativster Sequenzier- dienstleister einen NGS-Service PLW HLQHU Y¸OOLJ QHXHQ )OH[LELOLW¦W und Kostenersparnis für Kunden entwickelt: NGSELECT. Diese 3URGXNWOLQLH ELHWHW NOHLQH ȵH[LEOH Datenpakete an, mit der individuell I¾U MHGH .XQGHQSUREH GLH EHQ¸WLJWH 6HTXHQ]LHUWLHIH E]Z $EGHFNXQJ SURGX]LHUW ZHUGHQ NDQQ 'LH EHL *$7& %LRWHFK HWDEOLHUWHQ KRFK DXWRPDWLVLHUWHQ /DERUSUR]HVVH PLW LKUHU .RVWHQHɝ]LHQ] NXU]HQ /LHIHU]HLWHQ XQG VWDELOHU VRZLH UHSURGX]LHUEDUHU 'DWHQTXDOLW¦W werden durch NGSELECT auch Anwendern mit relativ kleinem 6HTXHQ]LHUEHGDUI ]XJ¦QJOLFK JH PDFKW 'DU¾EHU KLQDXV ZHUGHQ GXUFK GLH QXQ P¸JOLFKHQ IUHL VNDOLHUEDUHQ 3UREHQ]DKOHQ JDQ] QHXH ȵH[LEOH 0¸JOLFKNHLWHQ GHU 3URMHNWJHVWDOWXQJ HU¸΍QHW 6R NDQQ GHU $QZHQGHU VHOEVW entscheiden, welche Applikation HU DXVODJHUW XQG ZHOFKH HU VHOEVW ¾EHUQHKPHQ P¸FKWH 0LW 1*6(/(&7 erhält der Kunde ein umfangreiches Sortiment für die Illumina- und 3DF%LR 6HTXHQ]LHUXQJ XQWHU GHU strengen Qualitätskontrolle von ISO DNNUHGLWLHUWHQ /DERUHQ EHL GATC Biotech. GA7& %LRWHFK ȴQGHQ 6LH LQ +DOOH 6WDQG ' Anzeige