IAA 2019

•••2••• Messewelten Bürgerdialog Mobi- lit t der Zukunft Wir sind ständig in Bewegung: Ob zur Arbeit, zum Einkaufen oder in der Freizeit, Mobilität ist ein Teil unseres täglichen Lebens. Technische und vor allem digitale Innovationen revolutionieren und vereinfachen dabei unsere Art der Fortbewegung. Gleichzei- tig muss der Verkehrssektor sei- nen Beitrag zur Erreichung der internationalen Klimaschutzziele leisten und klimaneutral werden. Dieser gesellschaftliche Wandel soll anlässlich der IAA mit Nutze- rinnen und Nutzern von alltägli- cher Mobilität diskutiert werden, teilt der Verband der Automobil- industrie (VDA) mit. Der Bürger- dialog Mobilität der Zukunft fin- det am 13.September 2019 von 16:30-20:00 Uhr im Kap Europa, Kongresshaus der Messe Frank- furt, statt. Vertreter der Automo- bilindustrie sowie bekannte Per- sönlichkeiten aus der Politik zeigen unterschiedliche Heraus- forderungen auf, die bei der Ge- staltung der Mobilität berück- sichtigt werden müssen. IAA with four new formats in 2019 The IAA is the largest mobility event of the year. In 2019 the par- ticipants will experience new for- mats for the first time: the IAA Conference, where pioneers and experts from the mobility indust- ry will meet for a dialogue on the future; the IAA Exhibition and the IAA Experience with a large num- ber of experiences; and the IAA Career aimed at students, career entrants and professionals. The IAA is organised by the German Association of the Automotive In- dustry (VDA). VDA President Bern- hard Mattes stated, “We are de- lighted that this year’s IAA will offer all participants and visitors an extensive programme meeting the individual mobility needs of our visitors. Our multi-disciplinary approach and the four new for- mats make it possible to experi- ence the future of mobility with all the senses. ” The test drives on the west open-air site (F10) will gi- ve visitors a first-hand experience of the latest mobility trends. The test drives on the west open-air site (F10) will give visitors a first- hand experience of the latest mo- bility trends. The new IAA App is now available Ready to go: the IAA App, re-desig- ned to offer a large number of practi- cal functions, is now available in the stores as a free download for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android smart- phones. It is the official app for the IAA and therefore the only one with all the latest information surrounding the IAA 2019, which will run in Frank- furt amMain from September 12 to 22. The most important features are: All the information about the IAA Exhibi- tion, IAA Experience and IAA Career, Exhibitor and product search, Dyna- mic site map and hall plans with 3D zoom and tour function, Event sche- dule with bookmark function, Guide to the IAA Conference with the sli. do interaction tool,NUNAV Navigati- on for stress-free car journeys to and from the exhibition, Veomo mobility app for Frankfurt and the surround- ing area. New Battery without toxics Dry transfer coating process saves energy Continued from page 1 Believe it or not, there is a connection between lithium-ion batteries and the manufacture of cassettes. Early li- ion battery cells were made using machinery originally designed for making audio tape. While the tech- nology has been updated over the years, the basic process is still the same. Take a substrate like mylar or aluminium, slather it with a coa- ting – iron oxide in the case of cas- settes, an electrolyte paste loaded with solvents in the case of battery cells – wind it up on big spools, cut it to size, and voila, you’re done! It’s that electrolyte paste that is the problem. A, it’s highly toxic, which requires elaborate pro- tection systems for workers. B, it’s flammable. C, it takes a lot of time and energy to dry it during the manufacturing process. The Fraunhofer/Beam system elimina- tes all three of those issues. “Our dry transfer coating process aims to noticeably reduce the process costs in electrode coating,” emphasizes IWS project manager Dr. Benjamin Schumm. “Manufacturers can eliminate toxic and expensive solvents and save ener- gy costs during drying. In addition, our technology also facilitates the use of electrode materials that are difficult to process wet-chemically.” That last part is important news. This new technology works with sulfur-ion batteries and solid state batteries as well, opening the door to smaller, less expensi- ve batteries with higher energy densities than possible with today’s technology. “The technology offers great potenti- al to replace conventional processes for paste-based electrode production in the long run,” Schumn explains. And here’s the best part. Finnish battery manufacturer BroadBit has already set up a small scale production line to explore how to commercialise the new tech- nology. If commercial production proves feasible, the new process could lead to new battery facto- ries to supply the needs of Ger- man electric car manufacturers. “European carmakers should be happy about the lower batte- ry cost implications of the IWS team’s invention,” says a report by OilPrice.com. “These have pou- red billions into their EV produc- tion plans but are excessively re- liant on imported battery cells. A homegrown cheaper battery pro- duction process could help them to reduce this dependence at a crucial moment when EVs, helped by government policies, have a chance to really take off.” Dry film battery cells won’t be the end of battery innovations, but could be an important step forward for the EV revo- lution. The origin of batteries was the manu- facture of cassettes. Photo: Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash Find your way on the fair and organise your days with the new App. Photo: IAA