Fakuma 2017

•••9••• Branchennews Deutsche Kautschukindustrie mit 3,5 Prozent mehr Umsatz Die deutsche Kautschuk- industrie hat zur Jahres- mitte einen spürbaren Umsatzanstieg von 3,5 Prozent verbucht. Im ers- ten Halbjahr 2017 kletter- te der Branchenumsatz auf sechs Milliarden Eu- ro. Davon wurde knapp ein Drittel im Ausland er- wirtschaftet. Diese Zahlen legte der Wirtschaftsverband der deutschen Kautschuk- industrie (wdk) vor. Demnach trugen zum Wachstum eine „erfreuliche Auslandsnachfrage“ und gestiegene Rohstoffpreise bei. Ein weiterer stimulierender Faktor war das inlän- dische Geschäft in den nachfragestarken Monaten März und Mai. Dagegen trat das Mengengeschäft der Reifenhersteller bislang weitgehend auf der Stel- le. Die Lieferungen an die Autobauer lagen in ihrem Volumen unter dem Vorjahr. Auch im Ersatzgeschäft konnte ein kräftiger Anstieg der Nachfrage nach Ganzjahresreifen eine Mengenstagnation in Summe nicht verhindern. Nominal lag das Umsatzwachstum der Reifenhersteller zur Jahresmitte bei 2,2 Prozent. Zwar trat das Mengen- geschäft der Reifenher- steller weitgehend auf der Stelle, insgesamt legte die Kautschukin- dustrie aber zu. Foto: A.Dreher / pixelio.de “Extremely pleasing development” Plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers still on the up: Plus four per cent in 2017 G erman plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers expect sales for the current year to increase by four per cent in re- al terms. A three per cent rise is forecast for 2018. “The extremely pleasing develop- ment in export markets was par- ticularly striking in the second half of 2016,” says Ulrich Reifenhäu- ser, Chairman of the VDMA Plas- tics and Rubber Machinery Asso- ciation, explaining the reason for manufacturers’ satisfaction. There was a sharp increase in export sales in that period, resulting in export growth of 5.1 per cent for the whole of the year 2016. The continuing dynamic trend in the world economy will lead to strong demand for German plastics and rubber machinery in 2017 too. German output rose by 6.0 per cent to 7.4 billion euro, hence by even more than world produc- tion as a whole, which was up by 3.1 per cent and is estimated to amount to 34.9 billion euro in 2016. After declining for three years running, exports to China are also set to pick up again with growth forecast for 2017 as a whole. After a further slight fall in the first quarter of 2017 (down 1.7 per cent), supplies to China are expected to increase again in the following months. The expansion- ary economic policy measures of the Chinese government in par- ticular are providing a boost in this regard. Exports to the US, the biggest sales market for Ger- man plastics and rubber machin- ery, maintained their high level in the first quarter of 2017. Fur- ther strong growth (plus 58.3 per cent) was recorded in Mexico, the third-largest sales market, and in South Korea (plus 44.6 per cent). As a result, South Korea shot up the rankings, entering the top 10 of countries buying German plas- tics and rubber machinery in the first quarter of 2017. “In Britain, on the other hand, the effects of Brexit are slowly being felt,” says Thorsten Kühmann, Managing Di- rector of the VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association in his trend analysis. Exports fell in the first quarter by 31 per cent, resulting in that market dropping from 4th to 8th place among the major plastics and rubber machin- ery buying countries. In 2016 as a whole, German ex- port volume increased markedly to 4.9 billion euro. As world trade in plastics and rubber machinery rose by only one per cent, the German share increased sharply to the current 22.8 per cent. The Chinese share, on the other hand, was down slightly to 14.7 per cent. “As a result, China’s suppliers are losing ground in the race to catch up and the gap is widening again,” comments Ulrich Reifen- häuser. The German domestic market picked up considerably in 2016. Foreign competitors also ben- efited from this. Supplies of im- ports to Germany rose by 8.9 per cent to 1.2 billion euro. Austria remained the main supplier coun- try and the number of machines that it sold to Germany increased again. High demand for plastics: German plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers expect sa- les to increase by four per cent in 2017. Photo: lichtkunst.73 / pixelio.de POLAR-FORM Werkzeugbau GmbH Karl-Kammer-Straße 11 D-77933 Lahr Tel.: +49-(0)78 21-95 03-0 Fax: +49-(0)78 21-95 03-20 info@polar-form.de www.polar-form.de VERTRAUEN SIE AUF 30 JAHRE KNOW-HOW MIT ÜBER 800 GEFERTIGTEN DREHTELLERN Drehteller von POLAR-FORM : ` präzise ` schnell ` robust ` sauber Wir wissen, auf was es wirklich ankommt - kurze Drehzeiten sowie robuste und schlanke Bauweise sind die herausragenden Eigenschaften unserer Drehteller. UNSERE DREHTELLER DEFINIEREN MAßSTÄBE M A D E I N G E R M A N Y D R E H T E L L E R FÜR SPRITZGIEßMASCHINEN IM SCHLIEßKRAFTBEREICH VON 40 BIS 1000 T. WIR HABEN DEN DREH RAUS INDIVIDUELL. ROBUST. LANGLEBIG. FAKUMA; HALLE B3 / STAND B3-3012