•••9••• Messewelten A major industry event SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025 The world’s leading international trade fair SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN will take place at Messe Essen from September 15 to 19, 2025 with a wide range of industry leading exhibitors. It will focus on current industry topics: Today, sustainable and efficient production is a declared goal in order to be a long-term success in the manufacturing industry market. In order to save material and energy as well as counteract the shortage of skilled workers, digitalization and automation processes in particular represent viable solutions for the future. As one of the world’s leading suppliers of intelligent automation solutions, KUKA is also confirming its participation in the world’s leading trade fair. “SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN is the most important trade event for the metalworking industry. It provides ideal conditions for discovering the latest technologies and innovations. The trade fair offers an ideal framework for present ing, shar ing and discussing product highlights,” says Siegfried Heissler, Global Business Development GI Metal at KUKA. Exchange of knowledge and expert information at first hand The extensive suppor ting program of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025 also offers space for discussion and, above all, new input. Among other things, a congress of the DVS - German Welding Society, expert forums, talks with specialists as well as product presentations and live demonstrations are planned. After its great success in 2023, underwater technology with demonstrations in a diving container will once again be a focal point. Sebastian Jureczek, Chairman of the Management Board at Air Liquide Deutschland GmbH, emphasizes: “We will be back at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN next year. The trade fair is an important platform for us to present our innovations to the global experts in joining and cutting technology. In 2025 we will be there with our process cost analysis ‘Unlocking Hidden Cost of Welding’, our application technology expertise and our extensive product portfolio, among other things, and look forward to talking to our customers and interested people.” Are you exhibiting at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2025? You can book ads in DIE MESSE Journal now by contacting verkaufsleitung@die-messe.de About 40,000 visitors came to the fair in 2023 Foto: Schuchrat Kurbanov / MESSE ESSEN GmbH Welding at the trade fair 2023 Foto: Schuchrat Kurbanov / MESSE ESSEN Flexibel Ecken formen ohne Schweißen und Schleifen Mit der Maschinenreihe Multiflex von ACF Flexible cornerforming without welding and grinding Schöne und perfekte Ecken an Türen und Abdeckungen (Deckel) sind immer dann ein Thema, wenn die Qualität nicht stimmt und die Kosten der Nacharbeit hoch sind. Sie sind kein Zufall, sondern vielmehr das Ergebnis harter Arbeit. Das ist jetzt einfacher geworden - hochwertige Ecken formen mit dem flexiblen ACF CORNERFORMER. ACF bietet ab sofort die erweiterte Maschinenreihe Multiflex an, mit der Sie beste Eckenqualität einfach erstellen können. Besonders schnell und sauber bei immer gleichbleibender Qualität - jetzt auch in Edelstahl! Und natürlich in Stahlblech und Aluminium. Unabhängig von der Teilegröße und Materialoberfläche - perfekt für den flexiblen Anwender. Die ACF CORNERFORMER - Multiflex Maschinenreihe der Typen: MF25i / MF50i / MF100i mit 3 verschiedenen Baugrößen können minimal 2 mm bis maximal 100 mm Eckenradius für unterschiedliche formbare Materialien, mit individueller Blechstärke und flexibler Aufkanthöhe „kalt“ geformt werden. Bei Bedarf auch mit Roboteranbindung. Im Schaltschrankbau (bei der Türenfertigung), bei der Herstellung von Hinweisschildern und Verkehrszeichen, Gebäudebeschilderung (auch emailliert), Verkleidung, Kesselböden, Abdeckungen, Ofenteilen, Heizgeräten. Sogar Deckenelemente, Fassadenelemente, Wandelemente, Schubladenblenden, Hydrauliktanks, Backbleche, Tropftassen, Fachböden und, und, und... Flexibel Ecken formen - einfach. schneller. besser. Halle 11, Stand B178 ACF is the leading manufacturer of flexible CORNERFORMER machines for the production of cold formed corners on doors and panels without welding and grinding. This new state of the art cold forming technology is independent from the size of doors or trays to be formed and is worldwide used in various productions, as: doors for electrical cabinets, road-signs, building signs, panels, covers, doors for ovens, design elements for kitchen, drip trays for air conditions, cover for heating units, ceiling, bottoms for vessel in food industry, table plates, table stands and similar parts made from Mild Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium. Die ACF CORNERFORMER - Multiflex series are offered for: - corner radius from 2 mm up to 100 mm - robot connection is possible - a few seconds cycle time to form a corner of a door or panel used for electrical cabinet - ready for painting. Outstanding advantages are granted through highest quality of cold formed corners in always similar quality at low production costs and less personal demand. ACF CORNERFORMER Multiflex MF25i 90x305_Inserat_ACF_Messejournal_NEU.indd 1 13.05.24 10:21 Anzeige