••• 10••• Messewelten Visitors and exhibitors can meet again in person Foto: NürnbergMesse / Frank Boxler Trade fair highlights Most extensive supporting programme in the history of Chillventa Two skills competition, one national and one international, wi ll be held alongside one another at Chillventa in 2022, putting the spotlight firmly on the next generation of industry professionals. The WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition – in the refrigeration and air conditioning discipline – will be held in Hall 3 and will bring top-class specialists from 16 countries to Nuremberg to compete at the highest level for the world championship medals. As usual, the German Federal Skills Competition (BLW) organised by the Federation of German Refrigeration Plant Installers will take place in Hall 9, Stand 9-330. The best young talents from their respective cohorts will compete to become the best young refrigeration technician of the year by impressing the jury with their technical expertise, professional skills and ability to work under pressure. The three winning contestants will be honoured at an awards ceremony at the BLW stand on Thursday 13 October. Chillventa CONGRESS: the extra helping of knowledge transfer On 10 October 2022, the day before the trade fair, high-calibre speakers from the R&D environment and industr ial practice will discuss the future of the sector at the Chillventa CONGRESS. A separate ticket is necessary to attend the congress. International delegates can look forward to the following four parallel congress tracks live on site in Nuremberg and as a live stream online: 7th Innovation Day Refrigeration Technology Hosted by the Bitzer Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology at the Technical University of Dresden in partnershipwith the DKV (German Society for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) and the IZW (Information Centre for Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Technology), the latest projects from research establishments and industry will be presented in the Istanbul Room in NCC Ost. The topics covered will include the development of new refrigerant blends, the investigation of low-temperature refrigerants, the sublimation cycle in continuous operation, safe transport refrigeration with hydrocarbons, water as a refrigerant, and calculationmodels for faster design. Heat Pumping Technologies for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Applications The second congress track in the Kyiv Room, NCC Ost, will be in English and will discuss innovations and trends in heat pump technology. The presentations are organised by the IZW (Information Centre for Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Technology) and include the following main topics: • Heat pumps with lowGWP refrigerants • New perspectives for industrial heat pumps • Testing large-scale heat pumps • IEA HPT TCP Annex 54 –Work shop • Calculationmodels for refrig- eration cycles • Sustainable heat pumps in residential buildings • Refrigerant issues Air conditioning of data centres The focus of this track by the DKV (German Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) is on sustainable solutions using waste heat for the energy-efficient cooling of data centres. It will explore issues such as the data centre as a thermal power plant, sustainable cooling concepts for Deutsche Bahn’s digital signal boxes, sustainable operation of data centres, a district heating system’s use of waste heat from a data centre, and sustainable bio-based monoethylene glycol for cooling. The location for this track is the Oslo Room at NCC Ost. ASERCOM + EPEE Symposium The fourth and last track of the Chillventa CONGRESS will be held in English under the banner “Time for Changes: Multiple Transition Challenges in Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration”. Tim van Ierland from the European Commission will give the keynote speech. There will also be three sessions exploring “The sustainability challenge”, “The refrigeration transition challenge” and “Transition challenges around the world”. The venue for this track is the St. Petersburg Room in NCC Ost. The Chillventa Award 2018 Foto: NürnbergMesse / Frank Boxler BAU Munich -New Date in 2023 BAU, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, has been rescheduled from January to April 17-22, 2023. The hall structure and main topics - “The challenge of climate change,” “Affordable living,” “Resources and recycling” and “Digital transformation”- remain the same. The new topic “Modular construction” also stays on the agenda. The next BAU is planned to take placewith 19 halls and will welcome the exhibitors and trade visitors of the dedicated branches from all over the world. Zufriedene Aussteller und Besucher Die SHK ESSEN hat nach der pandemiebedingten Pause in 2020 einen erfolgreichen Restart gefeiert: Vom 6. bis 9. September präsentierten 406 Aussteller aus 15 Ländern ihr Angebot rund um Sanitär, Heizung, Klima und digitales Gebäudemanagement. Rund 24.000 Besucher nutzten trotz voller Auftragsbücher und ungewohntem Messetermin die Möglichkeit, endlich wieder vor Ort neue Produkte zu erleben und zu vergleichen. Im Mittelpunkt der Fachmesse standen energieeffiziente Heizsysteme, Hygiene in Innenräumen und smarte Sanitärtrends. Neben den beeindruckenden Auftritten vieler Markenhersteller aus der Sanitär- und Heizungsbranche setzten zahlreiche Neuaussteller in mehreren Fachforen wichtige Impulse für die Zukunft in der Gebäudetechnik. Impressum MESSEJOURNAL DIE MESSE Chillventa 2022 Verlag: EXXPO.DIE MESSE GmbH Lavesstraße 79 30159 Hannover Telefon: +49 511 85625-0 Telefax: +49 511 85625-100 E-Mail: verwaltung@die-messe.de Internet: www.die-messe.de Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Hans-Joachim Nehls Continued from Page 3