The smarter E 2018

•••2••• Messewelten ThesmarterEEurope Inverters control heating and stabilise grids Digital innovations have enormous market potential and open up new elds of application I nverters have become all-round- ers, used not just for convert- ing direct current into alternat- ing current but for analyzing and controlling PV installations as well as solar batteries, power-to- heat and smart home solutions. They include interfaces for digi- tal communication and are con- nected with energy management systems which also incorporate electric vehicles. Inverters owe their growing versatility primarily to digitalization. Industry profes- sionals can learn more about the trends shaping this future-orient- ed market at Intersolar Europe. In addition to efficiency current- ly approaching the 99 per cent mark, inverters are gaining entire- ly new innovative potential. Digi- talization is opening up new fields of use and business models for manufacturers. For example, in- verters with an integrated charg- ing function can refuel electric ve- hicles up to two and a half times faster than traditional charge controllers, while at the same time cutting installation costs. The growing digital capabilities of inverters are also being applied in the heating sector, where they are used to control heating ele- ments for hot water production in boilers and buffer tanks, which can be run on excess solar power. Modern PV and battery inverters even contribute to the stability of the grid. Thanks to their energy management qualities, they can supply power when it is needed. Seven of the ten leading inverter manufacturers will be represent- ed at Intersolar Europe. For trade visitors, experts and the industry as a whole, Intersolar Europe is thus the ideal meeting point to explore and discuss the develop- ment of digitalization in this sec- tor. An up-to-date overview will also be offered by the session “In- verters and Digitalization” at the Intersolar Europe Forum in hall A2 on 21 June. And on 20 June, businesses nominated for the In- tersolar Europe AWARD will be presenting their innovative prod- ucts and solutions in the field of inverters. Modern inverters are generating innovative areas of business for manufacturers. Photo: Solar Promotion GmbH FAST RELIABLE INNOVATIVE Esdec delivers professional mounting system for solar modules on all types of roofs since 2004. Our innovative mounting systems are designed to be sustainable and easy to install. ClickFit and FlatFix are inspired by professional installers. Installations with Esdec mounting systems are therefore always quick and reliable. Visit our website for more information. The reliable and sustainable choice