•••4••• Innovationen Messe-Rundgang zur Anzeigen-Spezial SCHÜTTGUT 2017 Properly sorted More intelligence to bulk material plants Bulk materials are processed in nearly all industries, be it building construction, logistics, chemis- try or agriculture. Given the large number of plants, any improve- ment of the sorting steps neces- sary everywhere could save bil- lions. “The economic benefit of this project can hardly be over- estimated; enormous resources could be saved,” explains Profes- sor Uwe Hanebeck of the Chair of Intelligent Sensor – Actuator Sys- tems (ISAS) at the KIT in describ- ing the new technology. Because of the patterns of move- ment of objects to be sorted, much more precise classification is possible than in conventional sorting systems. Industry had al- ready shown interest in the new technology, says Professor Tho- mas Längle, responsible for the project at the Fraunhofer IOSB. “Classical belt-type sorting sys- tems scan the material to be sort- ed by means of a camera; parts not to be treated are blown out by means of pressurized-air noz- zles,” explains Georg Maier of the IOSB. Different perspectives There is a problem: The cameras now in use scan the objects only on a short belt section, which al- lows only rough classification. As a consequence, several runs are necessary to achieve a satisfac- tory result. The team around Län- gle and Hanebeck developed a sorting system in which cameras operating from different perspec- tives take a more precise view of the bulk material. In this way, ob- jects of different categories can be distinguished more effectively. In addition, algorithms based on the images predict how objects are going to move on the belt. In this way, it is possible to sort out foreign bodies much more pre- cisely. The advantages of the new sorting system are explained by Benjamin Noack of the ISAS by the example of spheres and hemi- spheres: “When seen from the top, they look alike. While hemi- spheres normally remain on the belt, spheres are restless, thus additionally aggravating the sort- ing process. However, when seen from the side, spheres and hemi- spheres can be distinguished.” In addition, the system was now able to predict the behavior of these objects and then adjust its operation accordingly and, in this way, also achieve better classifica- tion, says Noack. The scientists al- so found a way to increase the ac- curacy of existing sorting systems quickly and at low cost. “But this requires a software update,” ex- plains Hanebeck. Besides the KIT and IOSB, also the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB) and the Techni- cal University of Berlin (TUB) are involved in the project. Scientists at those institutions in particular work on realistic simulations of bulk material and the numerical design of sorting systems. KIT and IOSB researchers make bulk material systems more perfect. Photo: Fraunhofer IOSB Ihr monatlicher Newsletter: Messe-News Logistik Die neuesten Nachrichten über Messen wie: Air Cargo China | BUS2BUS | CeMAT | EuroCIS FRUIT LOGISTICA | Hypermotion | InnoTrans | INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA | LogiMAT | logitrans | Logistics & Distribution | SITL Europe | transport logistic | transport logistic China und weitere Continued from page 1 Die PinMill-Lab ist eine Hochleistungsstiftmühle, welche für die Feinstmah- lung von harten oder kris- tallinen Produkten entwi- ckelt worden ist, um eine Endgröße von D90 bis 10 μm zu erreichen. Ideal für die Bearbeitung von kleinen Labormengen von 50 g bis 2 kg. Die PinMill- Lab kann auch als Pilot- anlage eingesetzt werden für kleinere Produktions- prozesse. Der sehr kompakte Aufbau der PinMill-Lab ermöglicht eine einfache Aufstellung und schnelle Inbetrieb- nahme sowie Integration in eine Glove-Box. Auf zu neuen Wegen – Die FreDrive-Lab hat mit der PinMill einen zusätzlichen auswechselbaren Mahlkopf erhalten – nun sind es 5! Die HUZAP GmbH ist ein mittelstän- disches Unternehmen im Bereich des Waagen- & Anlagenbaus sowie des ver- fahrenstechnischen Schüttguthandlings. Zu unser Kernkompetenz gehören: Pla- nung, Herstellung und Montage von halb- und vollautomatischen Absackanlagen-, Netto- und Bruttoabsack-, Chargen- Mi- scher- und Behälterwaagen, Lager-, Do- sier- und Fördereinrichtungen für die Bereiche Kunststoff-/Gummi-Herstellung, Chemie, Kraftfutterwerke und Nahrungs- mittelindustrie. HUZAP WAAGEN- & ANLAGENBAU
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