Motek/Bondexpo 2021

••• 10••• Messewelten Around 750 exhibitors are expected Foto: Mesago / Malte Kirchner SPS 2021 The Platform for Automation Industry Exchange E ven in times of COVID-19, SPS Smart Production Solutions remains one of the most important highlights in the automation industry calendar. Following a successful test exhi- bition in Munich, trade fairs have been permitted again in Bavaria since 1 August 2021 and around 750 exhibitors are expected in Nuremberg from 23-25 November 2021 to present their products and solutions for smart and digi- tal automation. This on-site will be combined with a supplemen- tary digital offering. Organizer Mesago Messe Frank- furt is confident that the pro- tection and hygiene concept approved by the Bavarian State Government wi l l enable it to stage a successful and safe SPS 2021 for all attendees under these ‘new normal’ conditions: “In these times when everything is different, one thing has remained constant: The need for innovation and personal interaction within the automation industry. We will finally be able to cater to this need again in 2021 and take a step towards a new normal despite the coronavirus. Not only is this what the automation in- dustry wants, it is what it needs right now,” says Martin Roschkowski, Presi- dent of Mesago Messe Frankfurt. Many well-known companies, including the largest exhibitor at the Show, Sie- mens AG, as well as Phoenix Contact, Beckhoff, SICK, and Pepperl+Fuchs will be represented at SPS 2021 in Nurem- berg. Successful exhibition visit In addition to numerous product pres- entations and intelligent solutions, visi- tors to the SPS will benefit from direct personal discussions and professional exchanges with experts, especially this year that has so far been dominated by digital media-based communication. Presentations and live demonstrations round off the trade fair visit. Shared booth and forum to comple- ment trade fair Attendees can also obtain extensive in- sights into specific topics and ask pro- viders for advice on their particular re- quirements at the “Automation meets IT” shared booth in Hall 6. For the first time, the German industry associations VDMA and ZVEI will to- gether hold the trade fair forum in Hall 3, offering high-quality, topic-specific presentations and podium discussions. Here, visitors can brush up on the lat- est issues affecting the industry, enjoy intensive discussions with specialists, and put in the groundwork for innova- tive automation solutions. Protection and hygiene concept Protecting the health of all exhibitors, visitors, service partners and employ- ees is the top priority for the or- ganizer and so a comprehensive protection and hygiene concept that meets the requirements of the Bavarian State Government has been developed together with NürnbergMesse. The con- cept, which is based on the three pillars of organization, social dis- tancing, and hygiene, ensures that health risks are reduced to a minimum. Visitors should note that registration must be done in advance of the event as access will only be permitted to those with proof of vaccination, testing or recovery and the mandatory wearing of medical mouth-nose covering according to the infec- tion protection measures intro- duced by the Bavarian government. Complementary SPS on air online event For many weeks now, work has been underway on a hybrid trade fair con- cept to complement the physical event and adapt the SPS 2021 to the new nor- mal. The idea is to permit flexible par- ticipation for all, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in the event regardless of time, budget or travel re- strictions. The digital content will con- tinue to be available after the physical trade fair, thus enabling a flexible trade fair visit – physical, digital, or hybrid. Important information for visitors For detailed information about the pro- tection and hygiene concept, tickets, SPS on air, special travel deals, and tips on getting ready for the event, visit sps- Many well-known companies will be re- presented Foto: Mesago / Malte Kirchner Fakuma 2021 bereit für den Startschuss Nur noch wenige Wochen bis zum ersten großen internationa- len Präsenz-Event für die ge­ samte Kunststof fbranche in Deutschland: Die 27. Fakuma – Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung – öffnet vom 12. bis 16. Oktober 2021 ihre Tore in Fr iedr ichshafen. Das Branchenhighlight wird sich ne- ben den Themen Spritzgießen, Extrusionstechnik, Thermofor- men und 3D-Pr inting vor allen auch dem digitalen Wandel und der nachhaltigen, produktions- effizienten Kunststoffverarbei- tung widmen. Blechexpo/ Schweisstec 2021 Im traditionellen und bewährten Doppelpack öffnet die 15. Blech- expo – Internationale Fachmes- se für Blechbearbeitung – zu- sammen mit der 8. Schweisstec – Internationale Fachmesse für Fügetechnologie – vom 26. bis 29. Oktober 2021 in Stuttgart ih- re Hallen. Auf dem Programm stehen Spitzentechnologien der Blech- und Metallverarbeitung samt Fügetechnologie. Ausstel- ler und Fachbesucher diskutie- ren live und persönlich Detail- u n d Sy s t em l ö s u n ge n f ü r komplette Prozessketten in der Blech-, Profile- und Rohr teile- Fertigung. Impressum MESSEJOURNAL DIE MESSE Motek/Bondexpo 2021 Verlag: EXXPO.DIE MESSE GmbH Lavesstraße 79 30159 Hannover Telefon: +49 511 85625-0 Telefax: +49 511 85625-100 E-Mail: Internet: Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Hans-Joachim Nehls