ISM 2017

•••2••• ProSweets Messewelten ProSweets Cologne now annually From 2017 onwards, ProSweets Cologne will be staged annually and always parallel to ISM. The supplier industry of the sweets and snacks producers will now have the opportunity to meet up with its target group directly and personally once a year. The advantages of ProSweets Cologne that is held parallel to ISM are obvious: Both trade fairs complement each other perfectly in terms of their content and tar- get groups. ISM regularly brings around 1,600 suppliers from the sweets and snacks industry to- gether in Cologne, including top companies, medium-sized and smaller firms, as well as almost 40,000 high-profile ISM trade visitors from all over the world. As usual, ProSweets Cologne will be located in Hall 10.1, which is directly adjacent to ISM, which is staged in Halls 2 to 5 as well as in Hall 11 and 10.2 of the Cologne fair grounds. Bestens verpackt: Automation ist alles Schlüsseltechnologie Automa- tion: Die ProSweets Cologne 2017 bildet das gesamte Spektrum von halbautomatischen oder einfa- chen automatischen Einstiegslö- sungen bis zu mehrstufigen, kom- plexen Systemlösungen ab. Automatisierte Linien, die alle Vorteile moderner Antriebstech- nik, Robotik und Bildverarbeitung miteinander vereinen, können mit unregelmäßiger Produktzufüh- rung umgehen und sich an beliebi- ge Packungsgrößen und Formate anpassen lassen. Die Abstimmung der einzelnen Module sowie die Anbindung an die übergeordne- te Unternehmens-IT übernimmt intelligente Schnittstellentechno- logie. Alle Bewegungen und Posi- tionen der Bänder, Schieber und Übergabesysteme werden stän- dig elektronisch überwacht. Von dieser Flexibilität profitieren auch Snackhersteller, wie die neue Se- rie eines Ausstellers zeigt. Damit möglichst viele der bruchempfind- lichen Stapelchips unbeschadet beim Verbraucher ankommen, er- ledigt die Serie die produktscho- nende volumetrische oder gravi- metrische Dosierung gleich mit. Premiere für Sonderschau Reformulation Im FutureLab der ProSweets Cologne 2017 arbeiten zwölf Design-Studenten an Verpackungskonzepten für Süßwaren und Snacks. Foto: Koelnmesse Mit der neuen Sonderschau Refor- mulation, der Speaker’s Corner, dem FutureLab und der Newcomer Area haben die Macher der ProSweets ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenpro- gramm vorbereitet. Die Sonderschau Reformulation rückt Alternativen zu raffiniertem Zucker & Co. bei der Her- stellung von Süßwaren und Snacks in den Mittelpunkt. Um Geschmack, Textur und sensorische Qualität zu sichern, bedarf es zudem einer An- passung der Rezeptur. Geführte Tou- ren der Deutschen Landwirtschafts- Gesellschaft (DLG) leiten durch die Sonderschau in Halle 10.1, Stand C 40/ D49 sowie zu ausgewählten Ausstel- lern. In der Speaker’s Corner präsen- tieren Experten die neuesten Markt- forschungsergebnisse, während die Newcomer Area Platz für Branchen- neulinge bietet und im FutureLab jun- ge Designer neue Verpackungskon- zepte entwickeln. Trend towards“free from” New recipes thanks to alternative ingredients and raw materials The market’s preferences for sweets and snacks are changing. Many consum- ers are paying more attention to their fat and sugar consumption without wanting to make a com- promise regarding the choice and taste. Like sugar-reduced pro- ducts, the lactose and gluten-free alternatives are in the meantime no longer merely niche products, but have indeed joined the main- stream markets. “Less ismore” Production innovations are more important than ever for the manu- facturers of snacks and sweets, because food is increasingly de- fined by what has consciously been left out of the recipe. The “less is more” philosophy is one of the big challenges for the product developers of the industry. Whenever an ingredient is partly or to- tally removed in the scope of a reformu- lation, they are faced with the task of retaining the character of the product. The following particularly applies for sweets: After altering the recipe, the taste shouldn’t be compromised. The significance of sucrose for the taste experience shouldn’t be underesti- mated. It not only adds the customary sweetness to confectionery, it also guarantees the right mouthfeel. When reducing the ingredient that is consi- dered to be the gold standard, the aim is to copy the original as closely as possi- ble in sensory terms. The answers of the ingredients providers at ProSweets Co- logne are clever combinations between sugar substitutes and natural aromas, which replace the traditional granula- ted sugar in soft caramels, lollipops or cream toffees without any loss in taste. In addition to doing without sugar, the consumers are showing a strong interest in products without ani- mal-based ingredients. A trend that is being reflected at ISM. The world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks is staged par- allel to ProSweets Cologne at the fair grounds in Cologne. Newapproaches The product developers of the confectionery producers exhibi- ting on-site are consciously mo- ving in this direction with vegan ingredients. Alpha-dextrin based vegetable concepts are a new approach here. The soluble food fibre reacts like its animal-based counterpart when baked and emulsifies vegetable oil and mar- garine, provides a good cake and crumble structure and replaces egg or egg powder without affecting the taste. Thus, a vegetable raw material alterna- tive can be used for the production of vegan desserts and bakery products – from pound cakes and layer cakes, to muffins, through to waffles and pan- cakes. The consumers’ interest in alternative ingredients is booming. Photo: Koelnmesse Continued from page 1