ISM 2017

••• 11 ••• ISM Messewelten yummex: New synergies in Dubai In 2017, the organisers of yummex Middle East, Koelnmesse and Du- bai World Trade Centre, anticipa- te from the new strategic co-loca- tion with the Dubai International Hospitality Week events, strong synergies and further growth in numbers of visitors, especially from the enormously growing ho- tel and food services industry. With regard to the Expo 2020 a doubling of hotel capacities to 164,000 beds is planned in Dubai alone. The growth of the hospita- lity and service segments is alrea- dy offering trade fair participants a variety of chances for success- ful, long-term business relations. Yummex Middle East, the inter- national trade fair for sweets and snacks in the MENA region, will take place on 18-20 September, 2017. In 2016, 364 exhibitors from 47 countries presented their la- test innovations, 8,180 visitors from 83 countries came to Dubai. ISM: 86 Prozent aus dem Ausland Die ISM zeichnet sich durch ein internationales Profil aus: Die Ver- anstalter erwarten rund 1 600 An- bieter aus 65 Ländern sowie rund 38 500 Fachbesucher aus etwa 150 Ländern. Mit 86 Prozent Aus- landsanteil auf Seiten der Ausstel- ler und 62 Prozent Auslandsanteil bei den Besuchern zähle die ISM zu den „internationalsten Mes- severanstaltungen“ überhaupt, heißt es bei der Koelnmesse. Das komme nicht von ungefähr: Die Süßwaren- und Snackbranche ist international aufgestellt. Ange- fangen bei den Rohstoffen, die in den verschiedensten Ländern an- gebaut und verarbeitet werden, bis hin zu den Abnehmerländern, in denen Süßwaren und Snacks hergestellt werden: Süßes und Snacks sind in nahezu allen in- ternationalen Märkten zuhause. Allein aus deutscher Produktion kommt fast jede zweite Tonne Süßwaren in den Export, haupt- sächlich in die Länder der Europäi- schen Union. Etwa 20 Prozent der deutschen Exporte gehen in Län- der außerhalb der EU, allen voran in die USA, die Schweiz, Russland und Australien. Runder Tisch Kakao am 22./23. Juni 2017 Kakaofrucht mit Bohnen: Der Rohstoff steht im Zentrum des siebenten „Run- den Tischs Kakao“ in Hamburg. Foto: Helene Souza / Unter der Überschrift „Anbau, Fer- mentation, Qualität – Wohin führt der Weg? Perspektiven bis 2020“ fin- det am 22. und 23. Juni der siebente „Runde Tisch Kakao“ an der Universi- tät Hamburg statt. Zu den Themenschwerpunkten gehö- ren Rohkakaoqualität-Standards, In- haltsstoffe, Sensorik, Differenzierung von Edel- und Konsumkakao sowie die Kakaofermentation-Steuerung und die Entwicklung spezifischer sen- sorischer Eigenschaften. Unter der Koordination von Dr. Daniel Kadow berichten darüber hinaus Vertreter führender Universitäten über Kon- taminanten-Strategien zur Minimie- rung sowie zu Anbausystemen und Produktivität – zentrale Kriterien für Pflanzsysteme der Zukunft. Schirm- herr der Veranstaltung ist die Stiftung der Deutschen Kakao- und Schokola- denwirtschaft. Sweet, sustainable and halal Supporting programme: Premiere for Goodfoodhalal Supermarkt A t ISM, a professionally demand- ing supporting programme that spans from the production to marketing awaits both the exhibitors and the trade visitors in Cologne. The exhibitors and visitors will have the opportunity to get to grasps with the current product and consumer trends as well as with ingredients and new market- ing platforms over the course of the four exhibition days. On the first day of the fair the “Fo- rum of Sustainable Cocoa” event will set important impulses: An international circle of experts will discuss the theme “Cocoa Cultiva- tion and Forest Conservation in West Africa – ways to reach a so- lution”. Innova Market Insights is present- ing the Sweets Trends special event. New product trends and the latest developments in the sweets & snacks sector are in focus at the passage between Halls 4 and 5. Twelve industry newcomers will be pre- senting themselves in the Newcomer Area under a joint roof in Hall 11.1, D 31/E 38. The suppliers come from seven coun- tries this year. The product palette rang- es from classic to innovative and trendy. The New Product Showcase is relocating and from 2017 on it will be presented in an attractive ambience in Hall 2.2. 130 suppliers are presenting new products on a larger area. All ISM visitors will once again have the opportunity to take part in electing the top three innovations. Furthermore, the ISM Packaging Award powered by ProSweets Cologne will be conferred for the first time. A glance will also be taken beyond the borders of ISM: The top four innovations of the yummex Middle East will be exhibited on the Central Boulevard. A group of international design students from the KISD Cologne International School of Design will be designing a wide range of new product concepts and packing un- der the motto “Sweet Traditions”, which will be equally interesting for the trade visitors and exhibi- tors and is guaranteed to set new impulses. Premiere at ISM 2017: The Good- foodhalal Supermarkt is the meet- ing point for buyers, who want to gain an overview of the offer of Halal products available at ISM. A well-assorted offer of specialities from the Halal sweets segment is an important enhancement for many forms of trade, which serves customer bonding purposes. Furthermore the “ISM Expert Stage” in the Passage between Halls 4 and 5 is an important information hotspot. There is going to be a focus on the specialised retail trade again here on Sunday, with seminars and discussion rounds on the theme “digitalisation” this year. The “New Product Showcase” will be located in Hall 2.2. Photo: Koelnmesse