interzum 2017

•••8••• Innovationen New technology could replace toxic phenol Reactive lignin can contribute to reducing the environmental impacts of wood products V TT Technical Research Cen- tre of Finland has developed technology known as “CatLignin” to produce reactive lignin from pulp industry side streams to be used as a replacement for toxic phenol compounds in wood adhe- sives that are widely used in wood products and furniture. Due to its superior reactivity, CatLignin is an ideal replacement for phenol in phenol formalde- hyde resins and could become a new, high-value product for pulp mills. In addition, the CO 2 foot- print of lignin is only approximate- ly 20 per cent of the footprint of phenol. Resins have a significant impact on CO 2 footprint of engi- neered wood products. For exam- ple in plywood, around half of CO 2 footprint is caused by resin usage. Replacing phenol with lignin also reduces formaldehyde usage. To put this in context there are cur- rently six million tons of phenol formaldehyde resins produced annually. “The suitability of lignin for a va- riety of applications has been in- vestigated for decades, but only now we have found a way to use it as a phenol substitute in sig- nificant quantities in resins. VTT’s CatLignin technology represents a technological leap, offering new business opportunities to many industrial players,” says Senior Scientist Hanne Wikberg. Substitute for fossil- based chemicals This new material brings new business opportunities for the entire value chain, from lignin producers to adhesive and wood product manufacturers and end- users. In practice, this means pulp mills, adhesive, wood product and laminate manufacturers and their customers, such as kitchen cabinet and furniture brands. The CatLignin material has potential as a substitute for a wide range of fossil-based chemicals in adhe- sive, rubber and plastic applica- tions. Its antioxidative properties are expected to improve weather resistance. The first CatLignin demos Photo: VTT Schaumstoffe Höchste Performance und Komfort Spürbar mehr Leistung Bewährte Qualität Damit bieten wir Ihnen Raum- gewichte (RG) in einer Bandbreite von 15–85 kg/m 3 . 15–85 RG classic plus ŎUVW 8QVHUH 6FKDXPVWRōH LQ GUHL 9DULDQWHQ .RPIRUWVFKDXP PLW 0HPRU\ (ōHNW ELV RG ò RG DE RG 'LH 4XDOLW¦WVYLHOIDOW I¾U KRFKZHUWLJH 3URGXNWH ELV RG ò RG DE RG +LJK (QG 6SH]LDOVFKDXP I¾U 3UHPLXP 3URGXNWH ELV RG DE RG 'HU VWDELOH XQG UREXVWH 6FKDXPVWRō ELV RG ò RG DE RG 1HXH 0DUNHQ PLW EHZ¦KUWHU 4XDOLW¦W YRQ (83(1 EUPEN überzeugt auch bei den neuen Marken mit umfassenden =HUWLŎ]LHUXQJHQ HQJHQ +¦UWHWR OHUDQ]HQ LP 3URGXNWLRQVSUR]HVV bestem chemischen Know-how und deutscher Maschinentechnik. 0HKU .ODUKHLW LP6RUWLPHQW Eucabase ® (XFDVHOHFW ® (XFDIHHO ® und Eucavisco ® sorgen für mehr Übersicht im Produktportfolio. EUPEN unterteilt die Marken zudem nach Raumgewicht und Qualität LQ GLH 9DULDQWHQ FODVVLF SOXV XQG ŎUVW ù6R ELHWHQ ZLU MHGHU]HLW GHQ ULFKWLJHQ 6FKDXPVWRō÷ VDJW 9HU triebsleiter Pascal Timmerman. 5REXVWH 6FKDXPVWRIIH YRQ (XFDEDVH ® .RPIRUW LQ JUR¡HU 9LHO IDOW YRQ (XFDVHOHFW ® Eucabase ® steht für besonders UREXVWH XQG VWDELOH 6FKDXPVWRōH Mit seinen vier neuen Marken Eucabase ® (XFDVHOHFW ® (XFDIHHO ® und Eucavisco ® bringt EUPEN Foam Products mehr Klarheit in sein 6RUWLPHQW 6R ŎQGHQ .XQGHQ VFKQHOOHU GLH SDVVHQGH /¸VXQJ EUPEN zeigt die neue Markenfamilie vom 16.–19. Mai 2017 auf GHU ,QWHU]XP LQ .¸OQ +DOOH 6WDQG - mit einer hohen Tragkraft. Euca- select ® bietet eine große Vielfalt DQ KRFKZHUWLJHQ 6FKDXPVWRōHQ z. B. Select 5531 mit einem Kom- IRUW ,QGH[ YRQ ) ( 0DQDJHU -HDQ 3LHUUH 'RHXLOOHW ù'DQN KRKHU (ODVWL]LW¦W XQG RōHQHU =HOOVWUXNWXU sorgt Eucaselect ® für einen optima- OHQ 6FKODINRPIRUW ÷ 6SH]LDOVFK¦XPH YRQ (XFDIHHO ® 0HPRU\ (ōHNW YRQ (XFDYLVFR ® Eucafeel ® zeigt Bestwerte bei der Regulierung von Feuchtigkeit und Wärme und steht für eine frische Schlafumgebung. Eucavisco ® kenn- ]HLFKQHW GLH KRKH 2ōHQSRULJNHLW EHL JOHLFK]HLWLJHP 0HPRU\ (ōHNW Der Körper sinkt konturgerecht in den atmungsaktiven Visco-Schaum ein. +RFKZHUWLJH6FKDXPVWRōHYRQ(83(1 6HLW ¾EHU -DKUHQ SURGX]LHUW GLH Kabelwerk Eupen AG in der Euregio 0DDV 5KHLQ 6FKDXPVWRōH I¾U GLH 0DWUDW]HQ 0¸EHO XQG $XWRPRELO industrie. Bei EUPEN Foam Pro- ducts entwickeln und produzieren mehr als 90 Mitarbeiter Schlaf- lösungen aus PU-Schaum. EUPEN KDW 3DUWQHUEHWULHEH LQ %HOJLHQ 'HXWVFKODQG )UDQNUHLFK XQG GHQ Niederlanden. (83(1 DXI GHU ,QWHU]XP LQ .¸OQ EUPEN präsentiert die hochwer- WLJHQ 6FKDXPVWRōH VHLQHU QHXHQ Markenfamilie vom 16.–19. Mai auf der Interzum 2017 in Köln in +DOOH 6WDQG - 1HXH 0DUNHQIDPLOLH YRQ (83(1 Anzeige