iba 2023

•••6••• Innovationen Powerful object recognition Diverse applications using AI and robotics control system, which makes the results accessible to retailers. Retail companies can use the platform to connect analog and digital worlds as well as analyze processes more easily and generate purchasing behavior forecasts, for example. In the process, the project partners developed solutions for applications in logistics, store set-up, service robotics and a fully automated kiosk. Fast, flexible 3D image processing The IPA researchers worked on several development focuses as part of the project, during the course of which they expanded their expertise as well as the resulting range of 3D image processing-based products and services. One core aspect was the creation of what is known as semantic digital twinning of retail products. This involves using sensors to capture any product in a scanning station, for example. The product is then modeled three-dimensionally based on a wide range of information such as shape, color, and texture. The modeling process, in which Fraunhofer IPA collaborated with the Kaptura company, also involved machine learning methods, a subfield of AI (Artificial Intelligence). With the help of the technologies developed, it is possible to model wide product ranges quickly and in 3D with high resolution texture. During the modeling process, semantic information such as logos, nutritional value or quantitative information on products is also recognized and digitally collected. The models generated are the basis, for example, for digital twins of a real store, a web store or automated product analyses, such as those carried out in laboratories. In addition, a scalable object recognition solution optimized for retail has been created, enabling automation solutions for production and logistics through precise optical product identification. Application examples include robot-based bin picking or bin packing, i.e. the packing of goods of all types and shapes. The latter task, also known as “order picking” or “pick & pack”, in which goods are removed from crates or shelves and neatly packed into a target carton, is becoming increasingly important, especially in these times of booming online retail. The object recognition solution developed to support these processes can be taught fully automatically on digital 3D product models in less than an hour for each new product. Smart shelving and kiosk systems Another result from Fraunhofer IPA is a mobile pointer unit that “helps” to move goods. The solution is aimed at skilledworkers in logistics and retail andmakes it easier for them to stock shelves. Workers wear a small barcode ring scanner on their finger which registers a product or its box to be placed on the shelf. A moving spotlight then illuminates the location where the product needs to be placed based on a digital store twin. The application is particularly useful for small products as well as those that are very similar to one another and saves time (see video). The Smart Kiosk System is a sales solution that was developed and tested. It uses the micromarket concept in order to branch out from supermarkets to include additional sales channels in the form of canteens and break rooms. For this purpose, weight sensors and cameras are installed in a refrigerator. With the help of object recognition, they make it possible to automatically recognize hands and products as well as remove or deposit products. This is combined with personal identification via a user interface and connection to a billing system (e.g., in this project, to SAP through partner Nagarro). Consequently, product withdrawals can be automatically booked in the virtual shopping cart and later billed digitally. In addition, service personnel receive a message when products need to be replenished, as the kiosk system constantly updates the digital twin on the connected K4R cloud platform. The project work took place in consultation with practice partner Livello. Integration in the open-source platform Last but not least, the IPA experts also advised on how the solutions developed as part of the project could best be specified and integrated in the K4R open-source platform. The openly expandable platform provides functions and interfaces for connecting to various logistics systems, sensors, robots or the extensive software modules from the Robot Operating System (ROS) environment, as well as providing the necessary infrastructure for store and product networked digital twins. Object recognition enables a robot to recognize products on shelves and tidily pack them into boxes with the help of “bin packing” Foto: Fraunhofer IPA/Photograph: Rainer Bez Continued from Page 1 7-Prozent-Steuersatz Branchenverband fordert Beibehaltung der aktuellen Regelung Der Deutsche Konditorenbund DKB warnt vor den Folgen der Mehrwertsteuererhöhung bei Speisen im Konditorei-Café und Verpflegungsdienstleistungen und fordert eine Beibehaltung des bestehenden Satzes. Nach den Plänen der Ampelregierung soll dieser Steuersatz zum 01. Januar 2024 von derzeit sieben Prozent auf 19 Prozent angehoben werden. „Eine Erhöhung des Umsatzsteuersatzes, die auch unsere Konditorei-Cafés beträfe, wäre eine satte Fehlentscheidung. 26,8 Prozent vomGesamtumsatz des Konditorenhandwerks wären davon betroffen. Die Betriebe befinden sich immer noch imKrisenmodus und müssten eine Steuererhöhung komplett an die Gäste weitergeben. Das Plus an Steuereinnahmen ist aber auch viel zu kurz gedacht, denn durch diese dauerhafte Zusatzbelastung droht insgesamt ein Umsatzrückgang, wodurch wiederum Betriebe und Arbeitsplätze dauerhaft und nachhaltig zunichte gemacht werden und dadurch auch wiederum Steuereinnahmen drastisch sinken. Aktuell wäre diese Erhöhung also die völlig falscheMaßnahme zumvöllig falschen Zeitpunkt“, erklärte der Präsident des Deutschen Konditorenbundes, Gerhard Schenk. Im Konditorenhandwerk wäre etwa der sogenannte „Verzehr an Ort und Stelle“ im Konditorei-Café von der Erhöhung betroffen und bezöge sich auf Torten, Feinbackwaren, Gebäck, herzhafte Konditoreierzeugnisse, Gerichte, Frühstück, Eis. Eine höhere Umsatzsteuer fiele auch bei Lieferungen an, also beim Catering und beimPartyservice. Ein Viertel des Umsatzes betroffen Foto: Pixabay