Fakuma 2017

•••2••• Messewelten Fakuma showcases latest solutions in industrial plastics technologies and plastics processing. Photo: P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG Celebrating its 25th birthday Fakuma fully booked – Roughly 1,700 exhibitors from 35 countries T his year the Fakuma trade fair for plastics processing is celebrating its 25th birthday “as befits its social sta- tus”. “As befits its social status” above all because the exhibition centre in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance will once again be fully booked out for the 2017 edition of the world’s second ranking event for industrial plastics technology and plastics processing. Previously unused floor space reserves will even be occupied this year in the two foyers at the east and west entrances, in order to meet the floor space require- ments of established as well as various new exhibitors, and to sig- nificantly reduce the waiting list of hopeful aspirants. But also “as be- fits its social status” because the more than 915,000 square feet of overall exhibition floor space will be occupied this year by roughly 1,700 exhibitors from 35 countries (including Germany) – and the propor- tion of manufacturers and distributors from outside of Germany lies within a range of greater than 35 per cent, thus resulting once more in growing interna- tionalism. 3D/4D printing technologies The lasting trend towards participa- tion at Fakuma, which is held in the technology region on Lake Constance where Germany, Austria and Switzer- land meet, can also be explained by the fact that large segments of the plastics processing industry are changing – or are being forced to change – through the use of new materials, technologies and processes. 3D/4D printing technolo- gies, as well as techniques and solutions for highly efficient processing of hybrid, composite and sandwich materials can be mentioned here as examples – above all and especially because the automo- bile industry and its suppliers are also making use of the opportunities offered by a broad-ranging portfolio of chemi- cal solutions to a greater extent than ever before due to multifaceted require- ments for affordable lightweight struc- tures. The process sequence for material and resource-conserving processing of these new or alternative materials is based in turn on elementary building blocks such as new machines, adapted moulds and mould standards, integrated qual- ity assurance systems and controllable hydraulic/pneumo-hydraulic/electric drives, as well as network-compatible and thus communication-capable controllers plus software – key- word: Industry 4.0. In actual practice, plastics process- ing at Fakuma includes injection moulding, extruding, thermo- forming and 3D printing, as well as further processing right on up to integrated module assembly and sterile packaging under clean- room conditions, for example of technical medical components ands assemblies. But plastics pro- cessing at Fakuma also includes beneficial theory in the form of presentations held at the highly popular, time-tested exhibitor fo- rum which is booked out every year. “PlasticsMeets Business” Top experts present new technologies, enhanced processes, product innova- tions and new solutions for improved economic efficiency in the production of plastic parts at the forum in brief talks, and then place themselves at the disposal of their audience for an in- depth exchange of views. And thus by being a convincing, living example of its anniversary maxim, namely “Plastics Meets Business”, and by presenting it in a practically oriented fashion, the Fa- kuma international trade fair for plastics processing sees itself as an innovation engine for the plastics industry once again on the occasion of the 25th edition of its existence. The show covers 915,000 square feet of overall exhibition floor space. Photo: P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG Kooperationsbörse am 18. Oktober Mit einer Kooperationsbörse er- öffnet das Steinbeis-Europa-Zent- rum den Fakuma-Besuchern am 18. Oktober die Möglichkeit, zu- künftige Projektpartner zu tref- fen oder neue Technologien ken- nenzulernen. Zu den Themenschwerpunkten gehören Spritzguss, Extrusion, Umformtechniken, 3D-Druck, Werkstoffe (Biopolymere, Ver- bundwerkstoffe), Industrie 4.0 (Automatisierung, Digitalisie- rung), Maschinen und Zubehör, innovative Verarbeitungsverfah- ren sowie Energieeffizienz. Bei dem Brokerage Event treffen die Teilnehmer schnell und einfach auf potenzielle Kooperationspart- ner. Fachbesucher haben 25 Minu- ten Zeit, sich mit dem Gegenüber auszutauschen, bevor das nächs- te Gespräch mit einem neuen Gesprächspartner beginnt. Treff- punkt auf der Messe Friedrichs- hafen ist der Gemeinschaftsstand Berlin-Brandenburg in Halle 6. Deutlicher Trend zur Digitalisierung Schwerpunkte der Fakuma 2017 sind, neben zunehmender Elektri- fizierung der Antriebe von Spritz- gießmaschinen, die durchgängige Produktions- und Materialfluss- Automatisierung sowie die Integ- rationsfähigkeit von Komponen- ten, Baugruppen, Subsystemen und Anlagen in I-4.0-Strukturen. Zudem schreitet auch in der au- tomatisierten Kunststoffverar- beitung die Digitalisierung voran, betreffend alle Prozessschritte ab der CAD-gestützen Entwick- lung über die Konstruktion, die Produktion, die Qualitätssiche- rung, die Weiterverarbeitung und Verpackung bis hin zur Logistik und Distribution nach konkretem Bedarf. Spätestens mit der (Wie- der-)Entdeckung der Ressourcen- schonung und vor allem der wie- der wachsenden Substituierung herkömmlicher Metallwerkstof- fe, seien Kunststoffe wieder „en vogue“, heißt es bei dem privaten Messeveranstalter P. E. Schall, zu- mal sich auch im Bereich der Ener- gieeffizienz bei der industriellen Verarbeitung von Kunststoffen sehr viel getan habe – wie die Fa- kuma 2017 zeigen wird.