Domotex 2019

•••4••• Interview Messewelten Trendsetter inszenieren das Leitthema Hersteller visualisieren „Konnektivität“ auf Sonderausstellungsäche „Framing Trends“ D ie weiterentwickelte Ausrich- tung der Domotex hat sich bewährt und geht mit räum- lich zusammengeführten Pro- duktgruppen und der Sonder- fläche „Framing Trends“ in die nächste Runde. Das neue Leit- thema der Domotex 2019 lautet „CreateDZNDZConnect“. Es rückt in- novative Entwicklungen und Ide- en zu relevanten Branchentrends rund um den Megatrend Konnek- tivität in den Fokus. Schon heute trägt Vernetzung in allen Lebensbereichen dazu bei, dass sich Wohnen, Arbeiten und Zusammenleben ständig verän- dern. Technologie und digitaler Wandel beschleunigen diese Ent- wicklung. Für den Boden mit sei- nen vielfältigen gestalterischen Optionen spielt der Trend der „Verbundenheit“ eine bedeuten- de Rolle, denn er bildet die Basis für die Räume, in denen wir le- ben und arbeiten. Der Boden ist Designelement, er inspiriert uns, gibt uns Orientierung – verbindet uns miteinander. Auf der Domotex 2019 bietet die Sonderfläche „Framing Trends“ in Halle 9 eine einzigartige Mög- lichkeit für Unternehmen, ihre kreativen Qualitäten anhand des Leitthemas „CreateDZNDZConnect“ darzustellen und sich als Trend- setter der Branche zu positionie- ren. Ein hochwertiges Rahmen- programm mit Talks, Vorträgen und Diskussionen rund um das Leitthema macht die „Framing Trends“ zur lebendigen Networ- king-Plattform und zum Herz- stück der Veranstaltung. Kreati- ve aus allen Gestaltungsberufen können auf dieser Sonderfläche Verbindungen schaffen, Kontak- te knüpfen und neue Geschäfte anbahnen. Auch können Unternehmen und Designer an diesem Hotspot Ins- pirationen für künftige Kollektio- nen erhalten. Mit ihren außerge- wöhnlichen Inszenierungen und innovativen Produktpräsentatio- nen ziehen die „Framing Trends“ vor allem trend- und lifestyle- orientierte Besucher wie Archi- tekten und Inneneinrichter so- wie Designer und Influencer an. Die „Flooring Spaces“ sind Teil der „Framing Trends“. Hier prä- sentieren die Teilnehmer ihr kre- atives Konzept zum Leitthema „CreateDZNDZConnect“ in Form von räumlichen Installationen, als Par- cours oder Workshop. Als Messe- Highlight findet die Sonderfläche besondere Aufmerksamkeit bei Rundgängen für Architekten und Journalisten, den „Guided Tours“. Dazu gibt es eine hohe media- le Präsenz in den Social-Media- Kanälen und auf der Website der Domotex. Bereits zum zweiten Mal wird es eine Blogger-Lounge auf der Sonderfläche geben, die einen zentralen Treffpunkt zum Austausch und zur Optimierung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bloggern und Messebesuchern bietet. Fokus der Domotex ist Konnektivität. Foto: Deutsche Messe Behaving Architectures, investi- gating new programmable mate- rials and smart textiles, as in the collaboration on Phase Change Materials for facades with Kieran Timberlake architects in Philadel- phia or the Isoropia project for the Venice Biennale 2018. One of your primary research ar- eas is digital and robotic fabrica- tion. Will entire houses or furni- ture in the future be manufactured by robots and 3-D printers? I think, that there are two aspects to this question: The first is, that we are in dire need of more au- tomatisation in building industry. The global urbanisation in parallel with the demographic develop- ments in Europe pose unprece- dented challenges to the building industry – there is an ever grow- ing gap between the produced and needed buildings and the em- ployed and necessary employees in the sector. Working with robots and digital fabrication processes, such as additive manufacturing, are strategies to tackle this chal- lenge and as well an opportunity to rethink the way we build and design. This is the second aspect of the question: automatisation re- quires in general a way deeper understanding and better plan- ning of processes than present in construction industry today. With higher degrees of automati- sation a building has to be deeply understood before execution, this requires deeper knowledge, simulation and thinking about a building – something which can be only positive in the end. Not at least, as we might reduce the in- famous and expensive last minute on site decision making and error fixing. All of this requires holistic thinking and offers great oppor- tunities to find new solutions on how a wall, a floor, a window, a construction site is designed. Sud- denly it might be better to use the ability of robots to adapt to materials and changes in environ- ments, than to produce standard- ised solutions. It might be better to integrate joints into the build- ing element itself, as these indi- cate assembly to the persons or robots on site. And the limited amount of material, which a 3-D printer can deposit in a certain time might make material saving solutions favourable, where struc- tural strength is created through informed shape rather than pure mass. A design opportunity and path to more sustainable solutions. For the Danish Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale you have designed the Isoropia pro- ject, an installation of over 40 m in length featuring highly bending- active membrane structures. What did you want to demonstrate with this construction? We have been working in the field of architectural textiles since CITA was founded and see besides po- tentials in terms of more sustain- able and material aware construc- tions a great potential in these to create new architectural spaces. The Venice Biennale provided an opportunity to build a textile space in architectural scale. Here we could demonstrate how tex- tiles allow structures to adapt and transform. We could as well show, how the ability to CNC knit to shape allows a zero waste approach in building design and how the integration of all functionality, such as structural details and light, provides means to ease assembly and create new interior atmospheres. Finally we could test our developed integrat- ed design, simulation and fabrica- tion workflows for active bending textile structure. You are a co-founder of the In- noChain ETN network, a shared research training environment about how the advancement in digital design tools is challenging the culture of building culture and enabling sustainable and smart design solutions for tomorrow. What is the scope of this network? The InnoChain ETN network is a EU funded research training en- vironment, in which six universi- ties and 15 partners from industry examine how advances in digital design tools enable sustainable, informed and materially smart design solutions. We are espe- cially interested how these digital processes allow for new interdis- ciplinary solutions, breaking the silos of current building culture. Interdisciplinary is engrained in the network, where in each sub- project at one university and at least two industry partners from distinct different areas of the field collaborate, as for example archi- tects and timber manufactures. This setup and the sandbox char- acter of the projects with build prototypes and demonstrators, allows to test the potentials and limits of e.g. robotic fabrication, additive manufacturing, new col- laboration tools and adaptive material systems in practice. The first projects in Innochain are now finished and have already found their applications in the indus- try, as for instance the first open source building collaboration plat- form speckle. Isoropia, bending-active membrane structures at 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale Photo: CITA / Anders Ingvartsen The Isoropia project Continued from page 3