Until the very end, GrindTec organiser AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen was in productive talks with the City of Augsburg in order to examine the effects of the new infection protection regulation on the implementation of GrindTec 2020. In Bavaria, additional corona restrictions will apply in the future from an incidence value of 100. Among other things, events with more than 50 participants, and thus also trade fairs, will then be prohibited. In the city of Augsburg, this incidence value has already been significantly exceeded for days. As a consequence, GrindTec is not feasible according to the current state of affairs, and according to the expert assessment of the authorities it is a mathematical impossibility that this situation will change by the time GrindTec is carried out. The trade fair organiser AFAG has formally applied for an exemption permit for this special trade fair, and this application was rejected. For these reasons, it is now clear that GrindTec 2020 is in fact impossible and prohibited.