LASER 2017

•••4••• Messewelten Interview Full process control Imaging and sensors: key technologies of Industry 4.0 I t is becoming increasingly com- mon to have to monitor pro- cesses beyond the capabilities of the human eye. Sensor and cam- era technologies are paving the way for the technologies of to- morrow: whether we are talking about quality-monitored Indus- try 4.0 manufacturing, precise medical diagnostics, automated driving or resource-efficient ag- riculture. Leading companies will be represented at Laser World of Photonics to showcase their often highly specialized products. High-speed cameras detect even the most minute defects in fast- moving processes. Even in bread factories, cameras nowadays monitor the quality and quantity of bakery products. Smart, pre- configured imaging solutions are also making implementation easier for users. Standards such as gigabit Ethernet and USB 3.0 also ensure the rapid and reliable transmission of image data. With manufacturers relying on photon- ics here as well, because transmis- sion is mainly by fiber-optic cable. In the estimation of the FRAMOS Market Study 2016, “image pro- cessing has long since outgrown niche status”. According to the authors of the annual trend re- port, “users and manufacturers see expansive fields in which the technology can be used, span- ning the entire digital value crea- tion chain in industry, science and security”. According to up-to-date market figures from the VDMA Robotics and Automation Association, the increasing variety of applications is resulting in a highly dynamic in- dustrial image processing market. Following a ten per cent sales in- crease the year before, the As- sociation is anticipating growth of eight per cent in the European imaging market in 2016 as well. In Germany alone, sales have doubled to around 2.2 billion Euro within ten years. Image processing has de- veloped into a key technology for automation and Industry 4.0. Technological progress is also pro- ceeding apace: Terahertz sensors enable the non-destructive test- ing of plastic parts, ceramics or sandwich-structured composite materials. Surgeons can use fiber optic sensor systems to differen- tiate in real time between tumor- ous and healthy tissue by means of spectroscopic analysis. Imaging and sensor manufacturers and re- searchers are opening doors to a safer and more worthwhile future in almost all areas of life. zwei Wellenlängen um 1 645 nm im Einzelfrequenz- Betrieb liefern, wobei einer der Pulse spektral stets exakt auf eine charakteristische Methanabsorptions- linie eingestellt wird. Genutzt wird dafür ein maßge- schneiderter Aufbau aus einem Oszillator mit aktiver Längenregelung sowie dem mehrfach preisgekrön- ten InnoSlab-Verstärker bei einer Wellenlänge von 1 064 nm und einem längengeregelten Frequenzkon- verter (OPO) mit zwei KTP-Kristallen. Ein Blick voraus: Wie sieht die weitere Roadmap für MERLIN aus? Das Fraunhofer ILT arbeitet aktuell an der Beschaf- fung und Qualifizierung der Bauteile für ein Qualifi- kationsmodell und das finale Flugmodell des Lasers. Beide Laser werden dann zeitversetzt aufgebaut und in Kooperation mit Airbus D&S in ein druckdich- tes Gehäuse integriert und getestet. Das Flugmodell wird schließlich in das LIDAR-Instrument integriert. Danach folgt die Integration des deutschen Instru- mentes in die sogenannte MYRIADE Evolutions-Platt- form der französischen Raumfahrtagentur CNES. Der Start der Rakete ist für das Jahr 2021 vom Weltraum- bahnhof in Französisch-Guayana vorgesehen. Das LIDAR-System für die MERLIN-Mission enthält alle Komponenten vom Pumplaser bis zur Frequenzkon- version in einembesonders kompakten und weltraum- tauglichen Aufbau. Foto: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen Sensor and camera technologies are paving the way for the technologies of tomorrow: Leading companies will be represented in Munich to showcase their often highly specialized products. Photo: Messe München Raketenstart im Jahr 2021 Fortsetzung von Seite 3 RHEA SPECTROMETER SERIES • High-end cooled CCD sensor Hall B3, booth 103 • Dark current compensated, virtually zero over entire integration range saving processing power in production environments • ND filter wheel for large dynamic range (incl. shutter) • USB, RS232, Ethernet, ext. in/out trigger interfaces THE ONLY THING LOW ABOUT THE RHEA IS THE PRICE • Internal calculations for most common parameters,